Car Good / Driver Needs Work


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The drag racing series that I am racing in was invited to bring the event to Heartland Park Topeka for a Friday night race. WOW!!!! Usually there are about 75-80 cars that enter at the home track and at Topeka there were 101 cars!!! It made for a great night of racing and the last round finished up at 2:00 am Saturday morning. I have to say that I was very excited about being able to race on a world-class track.

I ended up qualifying 3rd in my class with a 14.49 second run on a 14.40 breakout. Got a bye run on the 1st round of eliminations. 2nd round my opponent broke out in round 1 so I got another bye. At a little after midnight I lined up and made the bye pass…and let off early just in case. I ended up running 14.391 – yep I am an idiot.

The 2nd round pass was the best my car has EVER 60’ and 1/8th mile’d. 2.214 60’ !!!! For my car running on P215/70/14 a typical 60’ is 2.285 – 2.300.

The family and I had a great time and the photographer that follows the series got some great photos of my car leaving the line.

The next race is the coming Saturday at KCIR. Hopefully I will remember all that I have been learning so that I can get into the finals.


Tom Kochtanek

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Supporting Member 13


Congratulations! Sounds like you had a great time and posted some good E.T's :)
Good luck next Saturday at KCIR!



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Saturday’s VAMP race went great!!! The car count was 83 for the series – which is dang good considering that we had two races back to back. Heartland Park has INVITED the VAMP series back to run on Oct 9th. The guys from Topeka are already taking about next year and they want us to come back for 4 races !!! This is proof that Dave H and Brent are putting on a great event that the racers enjoy. I think the September event is going to be awesome!!

I ended up doing the performance of my car justice. I won my Stock Street Class!!! I got a nice trophy and a check that paid for the past three entry fees. I am getting the air bag/tire pressure combination down. I ended up with 2.192 and 2.206 sec 60’ times – which are awesome for my car. The car is nice and level at launch with 5 lbs in the drivers bag and 13 lbs in the passenger air bag.

I can wait for September 18th!!!!!!


Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13


Congrats on the stock street class victory!

I knew your car looked good, but now we know if goes straight and fast as well :)



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Tom and Jim - Thanks for the support. I am having a great time racing my car. Hopefully there will be some 348-409 cars at the Sepetember event that take part in the VAMP series Street Stock class (14.40 index). This series is not a tru bracket class. Basically it is set up the person who gets to the light first and does not run under the 14.40 index is the winner. The last couple of races have been fender to fender racing - which to me is the best.



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Supporting Member 3
Congrats Tom !!
That does sound like a great way to run brackets but I do have a question.

If you dial-in at 14.40 and race someone dialed in at 14.50 how do they determine the winner?
Is it the closest to your posted dial-in without breaking out ?

Do you both leave at the same time?

Just a bit confused like usual ,,, dq


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Supporting Member 5
Dial in

Hey DQ

If you dial a .40 and your opponent dials a .50 then you give him a .1 head start.
The lights on the tree come down staggered.

Now you have to beat your opponent WITHOUT going under your dial. Dial in too fast and you give your opponent a big advantage....dial in too slow and you take a chance on losing the race or going under.

HOWEVER, if you both go under your dial-in then the guy who went under the least wins................

got that :brow

........some people hate it, some love is a true test of driver and car especially if there are no electronics allowed.

I always prefered racing without electronics and did so in Div 1 (Land of NED).
It's amazing, you become able to dial within hundredths and run the numbers all by feeling the car best was running .37 on a .35 dial..........still slept on the line tho. :takethat wife would just smack me when I got back.

When they brought in the t-stops and stutter boxes, that's when I got out.

BJ :cool:


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BJ, Thats a typical bracket race you described.
Sounds like the VAMP series does it a little different and thats why the question was posted.

I agree about the T-stops !! PUSSIES !!!! DUMB DUMB DUMB RACING !!!!



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DQ........just when I get a chance to answer something, it seems that I left before the tree was activated...not that that ever happened :roll

When all else the instructions.......maybe I should have read TomO's post a little closer.

Well it seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong Tom) that what he is describing is a similar bracket to Super Gas or Super Comp.
Leave on a pro tree and beat the other guy without going under.

Sounds great as long as it is car/ electronics :rolleyes:



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DQ and BJ – BJ you are correct! The cars leave the line at the same time with the .4 pro tree. The first car to reach the finish line and not go under the 14.40 index is the winner. This makes for some close racing. If you break out of your class index you are disqualified even if it is on a bye run. has the details on the race rules and some photos of my car leaving the line in Topeka. No electronics.



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Supporting Member 5

Hey TomO
That is great electonics......even better.....
Congrats on the win. :clap

You said there was a photographer there........any pics???
We love pics.
