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Picture of some neighbours/relatives taken during prohibition in PEI, the car is a 1928 Essex I am told.

This is a photo of Lawrence Dyment, his father Watson, Jim Essery and Rube Enman on a keg of rum. They were supposed to be out “fishing” (which is a fishy story) when they saw the keg. They toured around to show it off but the keg disappeared? The rum was supposedly found floating off PEI after it fell off a rum runner. Watson owns the Essex and Laurence is whittling a new plug for the rum.

Laurence was married to Dad’s sister247813E0-DC08-4948-B3AA-860E5668DA5A.jpeg, Rube Enman owned a little corner store next door to our one room school in Springhill, Jim Essery was a neighbour from Mt Pleasant. Quite a bunch of classics. The rum came from the Caribbean via St Pierre Miquelon, an Island off Newfoundland owned by France. Canadian and American distillers could export product tax free to St Pierre, then it would be transported via large and small ships by rum runners to be illegally sold back in the USA and Canada. A lot of people around where I live we’re involved building and operating rum runners.


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This is a New England rum runner after the coast guard shot it up. You can see the boats were built long, low, and fast. They stuffed as much hp and fuel in them as possible and would load from a big vessel just outside the 12 mile limit in international waters. They were low so they were hard to spot. Same crowd ram shine around the south in fast cars?



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When I removed the drive train from my 51 Chevy I dropped the trans fist, you know like you used to do it on your back with no trans jack, no biggie lower onto your chest roll over a slide it out from Under. except the trans in the 51 Chevy was a cast iron power glide!!! GASP!!!


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Weight transfer would be crap, but with with a little chrome & polish it would have the wow factor. Twin Jimmies like that has to be 610" minimum.
Must be trying to save the lower end with that top pulley! If I remember right, there was a 351 inch version of the same thing.