Chinese Coronavirus


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Now that Pedojoe stole the election he will reward China for releasing the china virus and killing thousands of people, all the jobs will be going back to china....................................


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They probably wont consider that. But they are doing it inch by inch with the help of Democrats. I cant see anything but trouble ahead.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

They have a dock down in Meheeco they're moving in on us. I've heard they have a dock out on the Left Coast too . With their very own Chinese military guarding it , don't know if this is true. Just recently I guess they bought 200 hundred miles of real-estate over here some where.



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They want to open up the economy now so they can all say pedojoe "saved" the world, well i think a lot of businesses the demorat governors ruined are not coming back, these clowns that are running the show now DO NOT know how to grow the economy like trump did--a good example here in michigan under governor Hitler--the dumass opened the movie theatres but they can't open the concessions where they make most of the money--whats the difference between going to mcdonalds and getting food and a theatre? not a damn thing other than a complete moron in charge


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You just watch the Covid deaths drop drastically (kinda like the drastic 3 AM spike in Biteme votes) when they start counting the people that actually died from Covid and not people that also died that had existing conditions. Yeah that's the way it usually goes when the Guberment starts handing out money for $hit, the vaccine is probably sugar water.



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Supporting Member 3
You just watch the Covid deaths drop drastically (kinda like the drastic 3 AM spike in Biteme votes) when they start counting the people that actually died from Covid and not people that also died that had existing conditions. Yeah that's the way it usually goes when the Guberment starts handing out money for $hit, the vaccine is probably sugar water.

The deaths will drop because they won't record every death as covid even if they were not , -so they can claim Pedojoe cured the virus--don't you know he is going to save the world--We are beginning to have doubt's about this vaccine--going to wait to see more proof it works and doesn't hurt you-------i sure as hell don't trust the government now...............................