Chrome trim, factory or reproduction?


Well Known Member
Is the repop chrome trim terrible enough to make one seek out factory good trim? Does one supplier have trim better than another? How many different places actually make trim for our cars? I’d guess it’s one place in Taiwan/China/Indonesia/?? makes then and sells to as many companies in the states that’ll buy it, but I’m just guessing. Kind of like when I was buying sheet metal for it, I bought from different vendors but most metal has made in Taiwan stickers. Sorry, back on topic, my trim is in bad shape or missing so I’m looking for stuff in better shape. Something good enough for a driver not show quality. Stuff like all 3 trunk cove moulding, all 4 pieces of grill surround trim, upper windshield and driver side windshield trim is what I’m hunting for a 64 Bel Air.


Well Known Member
I don't have experience with matching quality from different suppliers, but sometimes it's better using re-pop and other times original used or re-finished used, depending on what you want to accomplish. In your case, it sounds like good used would be the way to go. Problem with the Trunk and Rear Corner Moldings for your Bel-Air, is that the SS use the same ones and are pretty hard to find. I believe Exterior Windshield Moldings for Sedans are not available, but especially being Stainless Steel, used would be the best way to go.