Clunker bill signed by Obamba

W Head

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USA going wrong way

The White House and the Dems have our country going in the wrone direction:bang:bang:bang:cuss:cuss:cuss:stooges:stooges:stooges:takethat:takethat

W Head

59 El Camino 348-3,2s
59 Impala 409-2,4s

yellow wagon

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Supporting Member 2
I rear elsewhere online that if this bill is passed, thefts of older cars are going to go up as people try to make a quick buck. Make sure your vintage iron is locked up good guys! :eek:


Nothing this president does surprises me anymore. I hope we can survive 4 years of this nut. I could go on but will leave the political thing alone.

As for the clunker laws, isn't this aimed more at 80-90's cars that people are driving daily? :dunno

Our cars are antiques and worth far more than a $4,500 new car voucher. :roll


Well Known Member
You can have my cars when you pry them from my cold dead fingers!

And I have the machine-guns to make that VERY, VERY hard to do! :cuss

In 2010 we get a chance to neuter this nut via taking his supplicant socialist congress away from him. :cool:
THEN we may be able to use his excesses to get congress back to defending the country rather than destroying it. :scratch


Well Known Member
Nothing this president does surprises me anymore. I hope we can survive 4 years of this nut. I could go on but will leave the political thing alone.

As for the clunker laws, isn't this aimed more at 80-90's cars that people are driving daily? :dunno

Our cars are antiques and worth far more than a $4,500 new car voucher. :roll

I drive my 71 everyday to work. I see a day in the future its not possible. It sure aint the nicest truck, It needs alot of work. And by no means worth $4500. But Ive been driving it for 13 years. Its like part of the family. I am in no hurry to give it up yet. Last year at $4.00 a gallon it was costing me $40.00 a week just to got to work and back. Had to park it the rest of the time. I was not happy. $160.00 a month just for gas to go to work is insane. I used to go there to MAKE money! :roll I hope Im wrong about the future of my old truck, but sometimes it doesnt look good.


I have to admit, I think of things like that too and it does scare me. The way this country is going, just about anything could happen.

Luckily so far, the old cars do seem to be somewhat protected. They are exempt from emissions testing, allowed special license plates and insurance. I'm licensing my 5th vehicle and sure wouldn't be if I had to pay regular insurance, a yearly registration plus $30 dollar state inspections for each! :eek:

I wonder if one day, gas won't be available to run them! If the tree huggers have their way, we'd be in big trouble. It would be like Nazi Germany.

The one thing I do see in our favor is that there has to be a few "important" people out there that are into the old car hobby such as a big wig celebrity or politician. Try to take away something from one of them and their voice will be heard. Especially if it's a crooked politician. I say crooked because they all are.

P.S. I drive my 69 Chevy stepside every day too and am proud to say and do it! It's my daily driver. (that one I do pay regular insurance, have no choice) And best of all, my newest vehicle out of all 8 of them is a 1972!!! LOL


Lets hope we don't need to resort to that. :)

I thought of something else that is on our side. Think of all the businesses that cater to old cars. The body shops, resto shops, garages, specialty insurance companies, parts manufacturers, parts vendors, etc, etc. If the government ever tried to do away with our old cars, think of how it would affect the economy.

People have a love affair with the old cars and it's not ending anytime soon. They would start world war 3 right here in the U.S. if they tamper with that.

Long live the antiques! :D


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Supporting Member 17
No one I know of is doing that here. They're keeping what money they have left. My Admin Aide is thinking about trading her 98 Accord with 230,000 miles though on a Prius something. She said she has to start getting better gas mileage but the car purchase price will overcome any savings on gas. Maybe I should do something with my new Park Ave. Ultra with 8,000 miles or so. Trade for one of those Prius somethings.:roll


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Supporting Member 3
This is kind of off the subject ..... but ......

I really don't understand what the Save The Earth People are doing with the electric cars ??????? The big push is on for these completely electric cars. There was a TV program on polution a while ago....... In North America the biggest cause of air polution is the generation of electricity. It produces more polution than all transportation............. Why are the Cdn & U.S. governments pushing for the developement of electric cars ?????
On top of that can you imagine if everyone in New York all plugged in their electric cars when the got home from work............ it would cause a brown out all the way from Ronnie's house to Aubey's house.



Well Known Member
This is kind of off the subject ..... but ......

I really don't understand what the Save The Earth People are doing with the electric cars ??????? The big push is on for these completely electric cars.
Why are the Cdn & U.S. governments pushing for the developement of electric cars ????

Simple, to take the profit and public acceptance out of oil, so that oil exploration is diminished.
Once oil is no longer so profitable it will become truly expensive.
Once it is too expensive for most of us to use for fun vehicles it becomes easier to force us into mass transit.
Once we are all forced to ride the bus we will be much easier to control.
THEN the "Green" watermelons can reveal their true intent, comrade!

Far fetched tinfoil hat conspiracy?
Sure, if you say so, but look at the history of the "progressive" movements of the last fifty years or so.
These socialist work together, indoctrination in the schools (I remember the manipulation of student for the first "Earth Day", I was a freshman), bias in the media, Hollyweird (McCarthy wasn't wrong, just unsuccessful) and the extreme left (Al Gore, Fienstein, Kennedy, Obombie, etc.)

I feel sorry for the kids, they don't even realize what has already been lost, and are willing to give up more in order to not have to really think of work.

Just my paranoid observation of recent history.


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Supporting Member 2
So, as I license the 58 Impala with regular plates and insurance and drive it every chance I get, go to the store, out to eat, or just cruise, don't matter I drive it everywhere unless of course I'm working on it. So now I'll have to get antique vehicle plates to circumvent the crush law? Bet it's gonna be harder to find someone that voted for this #$%^&*&^%$#.:stooges:takethat:mad::mad::mad:
