Didn't we have.....


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A little too much Muscatel I'd say! :drunk

Now you know Bob that they never believe in the obvious its either the rope or one of those Racist cops are close by. And as I was typing this I just remembered about up in Chicago a rope a MAGA hat and a Subway sandwich , I would at least think that they would stay far away from one of those pesky sneaky ole ropes.:D

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It is about hate, and racism, nothing more. Some will say but she is but a child. Unlike some people, I realize that children lie. They are not innocent and only tell the truth. However when most children lie, they say I didn't steal that, or I did my homework, I didn't eat those cookies. They don't say 3 white boys grabbed me, held me down and cut off my hair because of my color. What made a 12 year old girl play the racism card? What has she been taught by her parents, friends, family, and our liberal society that she thought about it in the first place? I will say this, her family put out a statement that I thought on the surface seemed sincere and very appropriate. They apologized, took responsibility and said she and they would accept the consequences for her actions. But I still have to wonder why she did it in the first place ? Maybe she followed a piece of garbage Hollywood actors guidance, but forgot the noose ?

Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
I see they found that Guyger gal guilty of shooting the black guy in Texas. She was the police officer that went into the wrong apartment and shot the guy on his couch while he was eating ice cream. Sounds like she was undertrained. Bad deal, no matter what happens as far as her sentence an innocent man was killed. She belongs behind bars IMO. Looks like they tried to cover up for her according to the prosecutor.


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Supporting Member 6
I see they found that Guyger gal guilty of shooting the black guy in Texas. She was the police officer that went into the wrong apartment and shot the guy on his couch while he was eating ice cream. Sounds like she was undertrained. Bad deal, no matter what happens as far as her sentence an innocent man was killed. She belongs behind bars IMO. Looks like they tried to cover up for her according to the prosecutor.

I watched the news clip on this and it sucks when the attorney representing him put his client in the same category as all the ones that were shot because they didn't do what the police told them to do or the ones that were killed in a shootout.



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She should absolutely be in jail. Bottom line. She went into someone's apartment for no reason and killed them. I think she said she was tired from working all day :wtf If its good enough for a sworn officer, with advanced training, well then tomorrow on my way home I can probably squeeze in few. Any one need anything done in the Sacramento area of Ca :dunno

Iowa 409 Guy

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According to what I saw on TV she was still on duty when the shooting occurred.

She got 10 years.


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According to what I saw on TV she was still on duty when the shooting occurred.

She got 10 years.

That is why I don't trust "any" news source. Everything I seen said she was off duty, going home, ( after a long hard day ) walked into the wrong apartment ( supposedly her apartment ) and shot the guy. Maybe she doesn't like black guys eating ice cream in their own homes :dunno2 Maybe she is one of those officers they hired for diversity and is scared of her own shadow :dunno2or like lots of officers these days, they seem to be scared of every bump in the night or day. All they have to say is, I feared for my life. SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT. So what if she was trespassing in his apartment, so what, she feared for her life. :wtf Sorry for the rant. There are lots of people shot by the police that are good shoots. Lot of those people getting shot have put themselves in positions to be shot by their own actions. The color of the officer and the color of the person being shot is mostly irrelevant to anything or anyone except the truly racist people who are looking for issues that are not there. I don't base any of my opinions, and that is all they are, opinions on any of the BS by these groups of the last 4-5 years like black lives matter ( a racist, violent hate based group ) I have seen some shootings that cannot be justified in any way. If the police continue on this trend, it is just a matter of time before you or I get shot for eating ice cream in our home.

Dick MacKenzie

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Farmer vs Media Pressure
Cannot beat this farmer's response to a city girl's question !

In a rural area a female TV reporter was sent to a dairy farm to seek the blame for Mad Cow Disease. Her interview with the farmer went as follows :

Lady Reporter : "Sir, I am here to collect real information on the sources of Mad Cow Disease. Can you offer any reasons for this disease ? "

Farmer : Staring right at the female reporter; " Did you know that a bull mounts a cow only once a year ? "

Lady Reporter : " Well, Sir, that is new information to me, but what has that got to do with my question about Mad Cow Disease ?

Farmer : " Miss, did you know that we milk a cow twice a day ?"

Reporter : " Sir, I did not know that, but can you get to the specific answer to my question ? "

Farmer : " I am getting to the point, lady. Can you just imagine that if I was playing with your tits twice a day, but only screwing you once a year, wouldn't you get a bit Mad ? "​

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
That is why I don't trust "any" news source. Everything I seen said she was off duty, going home, ( after a long hard day ) walked into the wrong apartment ( supposedly her apartment ) and shot the guy. Maybe she doesn't like black guys eating ice cream in their own homes :dunno2 Maybe she is one of those officers they hired for diversity and is scared of her own shadow :dunno2or like lots of officers these days, they seem to be scared of every bump in the night or day. All they have to say is, I feared for my life. SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT. So what if she was trespassing in his apartment, so what, she feared for her life. :wtf Sorry for the rant. There are lots of people shot by the police that are good shoots. Lot of those people getting shot have put themselves in positions to be shot by their own actions. The color of the officer and the color of the person being shot is mostly irrelevant to anything or anyone except the truly racist people who are looking for issues that are not there. I don't base any of my opinions, and that is all they are, opinions on any of the BS by these groups of the last 4-5 years like black lives matter ( a racist, violent hate based group ) I have seen some shootings that cannot be justified in any way. If the police continue on this trend, it is just a matter of time before you or I get shot for eating ice cream in our home.

I've got my info from Court TV. I catch it once in a while when there's something that interests me on it. I figured it was better info that most other sources.
I wonder what would have happened if she missed and the guy fired back and killed her in self defense? Wouldn't want to be on that jury either.