Foul mother Muzzie Congress POS

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


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These three women have got to be the dumbest, retarded animals on the face of the earth. The one on the right, in the scarf, ILhad Omar (Democrat from Mn--A Somalian) could actually be worse than the other two, if that is possible. She wants to: 1) disband the Coast Guard, 2) disband ICE, 3) stop all cyber security, 4) disband Border Patrol, 5) abandon all support for Israel, 6) establish sanctuary cities, 7) unrestricted immigrations, 8) voting rights to illegals, 9) money to people "unwilling to work," to name only the most-serious. This is in addition to her supporting the radical Communist, Ocasio-Cortez, for: 1) a 70% tax rate for corporations, 2 free health care for all, 3) free college for everyone, 4) elimination of the electoral college, 5) banning and confiscating fire arms, 6) world is ending in 12 years, etc. Also, she agree with the other Muslim, Talib, in impeaching the M...F....r, President Trump, at all costs, without any justification or a shred of proof of wrong doing. The left has lost it's collective mind.

None of the three has even a glimpse of reality or of what creates and maintains a country's wealth and security. All three are spouting bullshit that turns a country into sub-third world status. Look at Somalia--almost in complete anarchy, Venezuela--people starving and country going down the shitter fast. So much for the Communist's "Green New Deal." At the present, the U.S. is borrowing one trillion dollars per year on top of the income to the government thru taxes. It is called uncontrolled spending, without income. It is absolutely impossible to balance the budget when you are borrowing a trillion dollars a year and can't pay any of the $23,000,000,000,000 already owed. Just the interest, alone, on that amount cannot be paid--hence more borrowing to service the debt. You are using credit cards to pay off other credit cards and sinking deeper in debt. Now picture what the effect on this country will be if the democraps and RHINOs don't get their act together, disavow these three and their ilk and get on with solving our problems.

Folks, what we once thought was impossible, is unfolding. The camel's nose is under the tent. The camel's name is Islam. Under the present dictates of Islam, absolutely nothing is off limits if it advances the spread of Islam. Lying, cheating, deception, murder, patricide, fratricide, matricide, infanticide, stoning, honor killings, slaying of infidels (anyone who is not a Muslim), etc. are all acceptable if they promote the tenets and spreading of Islam. There can be no leveling of the playing field with Islamists. Read the Koran; it will open your eyes. I respect all religions, but not if they are trying to kill me for my beliefs. :mad3


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Supporting Member 6
These piece of crap Towel heads apologized ( well only the Somali apologized )for what she said about Israel, but the M Efen Muzzie Trump basher hasn't .Like yeah the Somali got caught and like she's gonna turn off the hate just like that towards Israel . I'd like to know where the left is with their hate for these comments if it was a Repubeican that said this the streets would be red. Its time to show the Muzzies the door before Sharia hits our shores because when this happens it will be to late.



Well Known Member
If Pelosi had any common sense, she would strip her of her committee assignments, as has happened in the past. She will not do this, because it would cause a backlash against her in the Muslim community. This woman in Congress is not only the tip of the camels nose under the tent, it is going to continue, and there will be more to come, until they can control the country. Look at what is going on in France, England, Germany, and many other countries of Europe. The Muslims are breeding like rats, in order to over populate the counties, so they can take them over in 20 or 30 years from now. Look at how China overtook our industrial machine in less than 50 years. It is unfortunate, the general public doesn't understand how these things happen. 70 years ago, it was Nazi Germany, and we defeated it. The tactics have changed, but the end game hasn't. If you can't win the war, then keep chipping away at the underpinnings of democracy, until you can subvert it to being what you want.


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Supporting Member 6
Voters put way to much faith & trust in our politicians they trust that they'll do the right thing for the people & country and all along Washington has been following the money of big business. We gave China so much money from buying their junk it was easy for them to get ahead of us because there was no end to their finances and thievery . And thank you very much big business you sold your country down the drain and you created one big mother e-fin monster over there all for the love of the almighty dollar.:finger



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Supporting Member 6
They're just trying to give us that warm & fuzzy feeling for these people. After the Somalis anti-sematic blather about Israel and the Muzzie in Michigan gave us the refresher course in 4 letter words they both would be on a bus back to their homeland if I had my way.:finger
