Hope 'n Change

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


What bothers me is that Trump isn't making that happen either! I hear a lot of noise but nothing happens, just more investigations that seem to go nowhere! :cuss


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
folks, trump and his family are not conservatives. be happy he has done some things that are right. remember he had
to support dems for things he needed. just be happy he won the election. i will be cussing him out plenty before
the next three and a half years is over. jim


If our government would get it's act together, we can put that turd in prison where he belongs! 8 years of "impersonating" a president and providing fake documents should be enough for starters. And for heavens sake, STOP giving him more money!!! He's still leeching off the tax payers with his "security for life" and pension and who knows what else! What a messed up system we have.