How cold is it ?

El Rat

Well Known Member
46f here in Baytown supposed to be 75f on Saturday. I think I’ll take grandkids to the battleship Texas on Saturday. Take some chic-fil-a and ice tea and chill (@75).


My latest selfie:



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
All I can say is “thank you Lake Michigan” with all the open water the weather front warms up before it reaches the Detroit area. It’s only -8* with wind chill of -30. May reach -10 or -15 overnight.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I've become pussified...ever since my surgery I just can't tolerate the cold...I'm outside grilling a few brats and I'm freezing...I check the temperature and it's down to 50 degrees right now...I'm kinda feelin sorry for you guys up in the midwest...


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
I've become pussified...ever since my surgery I just can't tolerate the cold...I'm outside grilling a few brats and I'm freezing...I check the temperature and it's down to 50 degrees right now...I'm kinda feelin sorry for you guys up in the midwest...
Don't bother. When you complain about the heat in a few months they will remind you of how cool it is where they live.:juggle