If you were President


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Is that fat ass really in charge ? One person can't make all the decisions. After all I see is him smiling with 9000 generals standing around.
He may make policy decisions, but others must be helping him in some way.
Their must some Shane minds somewhere in the ruling party.


chevy man

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Supporting Member 9
If there are any sane minds in the ruling party, they probably would be scared to death to voice any opposition as they know what happens to those that do !!
If "FAT BOY" was taken out along with as many of his top generals as possible, the problem may be much easier to solve.


Well Known Member
He believes North Korean newspapers and propaganda. If he doubts those he can read NY Times and Washington Post or Chicago Times. China can pull him back but...as i said before...why should they he's their Puppet and Our Liberals hate US not him.


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I'd get off twitter and let the 3 generals take care of "IT" as Trump has no knowledge of National Security or War Strategy/Tactic's.

Carmine the real threat is as mentioned the Artillery that is only 40 miles from Seoul would cause massive loss of life in Country. There is know where for the 25 million people too relocate and if you look at the entire size of the penisula including the North/South combined it's smaller than the Florida Penisula.

The one art of the deal that Trump has not realized that he is the most powerful man in the World. Once he does he'll realize that no response and silence is POWER!!!!!!!!!

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
That's the thing. Will all the little failures in and out of politics quit blaming everybody else for their own failed agenda? You damnable leftist kooks had 16 years of the last 24 to fix the world, you failed.Can't blame Brother Reagan, you failed. Can't blame either Bush, you liberals failed. Your agenda of 'blame somebody else' doesn't wash. You hate President Trump? Blame yourself. You failed. We won't ever embrace a socialist agenda.Socialism failed every time it was tried. The inventors and perpetrators of that lie couldn't even make it work. Socialism puts too much control in the hands of too few with no accountability or provision for an ouster.The largest scale socialist operation in history was nazi Germany.Really worked well,didn't it. Germany needed a war to destroy the ruling party and set the people free from it. Totalitarianism promises much and delivers NOTHING. It thrives on creating a dependency class dependent on an increasingly larger more corrupt government to take on increasingly larger amounts from the producers and achievers to do less and less. Someone forgot that government exists to serve and work for the betterment of the people. It's too big.It's too inefficient. It's too stupid. It's too politically correct. It can't succeed because it carries too many failed ideologies that seem to multiply with the progression of time. It's not ever designed to be an entity unto itself with highly paid operators and perpetrators of the big myth. Reagan tells a story about two Russian communist leaders walking along talking, one asks the other," Have we achieved totally perfect communism yet?" "No, said the other, things will get a lot worse". If you liberalocrat losers need to blame someone, blame yourself. If you republican senators and representatives don't like our current President, blame yourself. Blame yourself for settling in for "business as usual" as a way of life. Blame yourselves for the stupidity you embrace.Blame yourself for the idiotic proposals and social experimentation and constant expensive leftist activities that nobody in their right mind would want. You failed, and here is a man who isn't afraid to lead from the top and call a spade a spade. The absolute stupidity of liberalism which hasn't, doesn't and will never work despite how many fools try it, is nothing but a disgrace to the greatest land on Earth. I suppose you all can't wait to wipe your posterior with the flag. Go ahead, as long as it has the hammer and sickle on it.


Well Known Member
That's the thing. Will all the little failures in and out of politics quit blaming everybody else for their own failed agenda? You damnable leftist kooks had 16 years of the last 24 to fix the world, you failed.Can't blame Brother Reagan, you failed. Can't blame either Bush, you liberals failed. Your agenda of 'blame somebody else' doesn't wash. You hate President Trump? Blame yourself. You failed. We won't ever embrace a socialist agenda.Socialism failed every time it was tried. The inventors and perpetrators of that lie couldn't even make it work. Socialism puts too much control in the hands of too few with no accountability or provision for an ouster.The largest scale socialist operation in history was nazi Germany.Really worked well,didn't it. Germany needed a war to destroy the ruling party and set the people free from it. Totalitarianism promises much and delivers NOTHING. It thrives on creating a dependency class dependent on an increasingly larger more corrupt government to take on increasingly larger amounts from the producers and achievers to do less and less. Someone forgot that government exists to serve and work for the betterment of the people. It's too big.It's too inefficient. It's too stupid. It's too politically correct. It can't succeed because it carries too many failed ideologies that seem to multiply with the progression of time. It's not ever designed to be an entity unto itself with highly paid operators and perpetrators of the big myth. Reagan tells a story about two Russian communist leaders walking along talking, one asks the other," Have we achieved totally perfect communism yet?" "No, said the other, things will get a lot worse". If you liberalocrat losers need to blame someone, blame yourself. If you republican senators and representatives don't like our current President, blame yourself. Blame yourself for settling in for "business as usual" as a way of life. Blame yourselves for the stupidity you embrace.Blame yourself for the idiotic proposals and social experimentation and constant expensive leftist activities that nobody in their right mind would want. You failed, and here is a man who isn't afraid to lead from the top and call a spade a spade. The absolute stupidity of liberalism which hasn't, doesn't and will never work despite how many fools try it, is nothing but a disgrace to the greatest land on Earth. I suppose you all can't wait to wipe your posterior with the flag. Go ahead, as long as it has the hammer and sickle on it.
AMEN Brother

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Liberal stupidity has been more and more obvious since the '60's, although the underpinnings of Western socialism go back to the 30's and the new deal Depression manipulators. The Vietnam war was run largely by a drunken racist tyrannical progressive southern fried redneck that profited immensely for having a war on his watch he had no intention of winning. Interestingly, both the hippie left, the intellectually elite running our colleges and universities, and the mainstream conservatives on the right were not in agreement with that war. He was tyrannically corrupt, the next democrap in the late 70's wasn't malicious, but no leader, and incompetent. He took himself out by being a failure. The next husband and wife team of leftists liked the attention and the jet set lifestyle. They were too morally flawed to accomplish all they wanted to, fortunately, then this last guy had nothing to offer. He was no leader, he was a yes man for the leftists who owned him, and he was nothing but an empty suit. Seeing this bunch of two legged disaster areas in action is enough to discourage those with weak minds into giving in and disrespecting this great country like they have. Hey, if you don't like it here, save up, buy a patch of dirt somewhere else and found your own country.Take all your kind with you, and don't come back. I'm sure you won't have an illegal immigration problem.


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There probably isn't enough keyboard strokes for my comments, therefore I will just limit them to the United Nations is, and has been a total joke. It may have started with the right idea, however the next day it failed, and has continued to do so. We should not contribute one penny more to it ever again. It should be abolished and removed from our country. You know our country, America, that the left has been brainwashing people for the last year or so to believe that it is immoral to have pride in. How dare you believe in America. You dirty Nationalist.


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Liberal stupidity has been more and more obvious since the '60's, although the underpinnings of Western socialism go back to the 30's and the new deal Depression manipulators. The Vietnam war was run largely by a drunken racist tyrannical progressive southern fried redneck that profited immensely for having a war on his watch he had no intention of winning. Interestingly, both the hippie left, the intellectually elite running our colleges and universities, and the mainstream conservatives on the right were not in agreement with that war. He was tyrannically corrupt, the next democrap in the late 70's wasn't malicious, but no leader, and incompetent. He took himself out by being a failure. The next husband and wife team of leftists liked the attention and the jet set lifestyle. They were too morally flawed to accomplish all they wanted to, fortunately, then this last guy had nothing to offer. He was no leader, he was a yes man for the leftists who owned him, and he was nothing but an empty suit. Seeing this bunch of two legged disaster areas in action is enough to discourage those with weak minds into giving in and disrespecting this great country like they have. Hey, if you don't like it here, save up, buy a patch of dirt somewhere else and found your own country.Take all your kind with you, and don't come back. I'm sure you won't have an illegal immigration problem.

Who was the president during the Vietnam War?

There were five United States presidents who held office during the Vietnam War. These five presidents were Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

2 of these guy's where Dem's and 3 of them where Rep's even though the conflict started well prior too the 60's the majority of American's relate to the VN war during the 60's - 75 when the conflict ended.

Unless your relating too Texas as Southern Fried Redneck none of these men were from the South.

Whether your a Lib, Dem, Rep or Independent you must be engaged in what your trying too get accomplished and I know the MAN in the house right now is not engaged and will accomplish nothing and he is his own worse Enemy.

Dick MacKenzie

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Supporting Member 9
Actually involvement began on September 17, 1950. What got us involved was when the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) was formed in Saigon to provide military aid to and through France. This was under the Truman administration. The first combatants entered Viet Nam in December 11, 1961. The first American death occurred on December 22nd, often considered the beginning of the war. The last full month of Eisenhower's administration. August 7, 1964 congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to allow President Johnson to use "the full force of the United States Military" against the North Vietnamese.


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I would abolish the democratic party so we could get something done

Abolishing the Democratic Party would accomplish nothing.

We now have a Republican Administration, The Republicans’ dominate the Senate 52-49 and Republicans’ dominate the House 294-194.

We now have the 248th richest man in our Country that has no knowledge of true leadership and common sense when it comes to taking care of our country.

Running our Country is not running a business. I’m a retired Government Executive and have filled out numerous SF 86 forms and Annual Financial disclosures.

I’ve been blessed with common sense and Analytical skills. I surrounded myself with folks smarter than me to write projects we/or other stakeholders wanted accomplished for our success.

It was my job to be engaged focused and understand what I presenting to our stakeholders to sell them on our goal and get their buy in to get our proposal implemented, passed and funded.

Our President IS NOT focused engaged and doesn’t even have policies or written proposals of anything it wants implemented to present to our Replbician house and senators for thier buy-in and vote he just STATES it’s going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Never make a promise you cannot keep and if you cannot keep that promise own up to it and move on!!!!!!!!

I believe none of us is as smart as all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!


HOUSE LINEUP 115th Congress (As of 07/11/2017) (Republicans-240) (Democrats-194) (Vacancies-1)

Happy Motoring!!!!!!



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Ted....not going to argue with you but the Senate at 52-49 is not dominating.

I agree with you 100% :drinkinghe's a smart man with business and uses every resource available for his benefit.

If he would just get engaged/focused and read and fine tune what he's wanting to have implemented into law. And sell it himself to the house and senate and stay away from responding to anything negative including 3rd world countries.

I'd bet my 409 he would get a lot accomplished with votes from both parties.

He just doesn't understand he has to doing the selling. In his private life he paid lawyers for all the BS that came with doing the selling and if he didn't like the outcome he'd just fired them and moved onto the next one either in litigation or court.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
I agree with you 100% :drinkinghe's a smart man with business and uses every resource available for his benefit.

If he would just get engaged/focused and read and fine tune what he's wanting to have implemented into law. And sell it himself to the house and senate and stay away from responding to anything negative including 3rd world countries.

I'd bet my 409 he would get a lot accomplished with votes from both parties.

He just doesn't understand he has to doing the selling. In his private life he paid lawyers for all the BS that came with doing the selling and if he didn't like the outcome he'd just fired them and moved onto the next one either in litigation or court.
I bet you are a Democrat, and you voted for obama.:D


Well Known Member
First and foremost I'm SICK AND TIRED of Lawyers being the majority of politicians. They over represent themselves and under represent us. I HATE LAWERS. If someone here is or was a lawyer I wanna run you over too.


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Supporting Member 2
I bet you are a Democrat, and you voted for obama.:D

I am and I did, Fact when he took office the stock market was 6000, my property values where 25% on the dollar and the economy was tanked.

2017 he left office and the stock market was at 20000+, my property values are up to 2007 values and the economy booming again.

And I felt comfortable/secure with our National Security not Satisfied.

My son in law opened a business in 2011 and today it’s a 7 figure a year booming business.

Go back and read my post started by Jeff Olson I need a drink post 13:

When I do talk with my Right wing friends not all, I sometimes believe Damn am I Right wing because I live my life without entitlements but what I've earned over my past 48 years of achievement (I'm 63) they live their life’s on entitlement and blaming everyone for their short falls.

I don’t always vote my party, I vote with an open mind and who I believe will be best for the majority of our Country.