Israel War


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Let's see, Hamas, unprovoked, invades Israel to kill mostly unarmed citizens. Black Lives Matters supports Hamas and the terrorist attack. Most liberal and democrat elected officials and citizens supported, and still supports Black Lives Matter. Especially when they were rioting, murdering, assaulting, committing arson, looting etc. Do you really wonder why liberalism is considered a mental disorder. I would question why the democrat party ideology is not listed as a mental disorder also these days :scratch And just like every time Hamas or one of the other terrorist groups attacks Israel, the liberals and haters will blame Israel for the attack because they dare to defend themselves. These same liberal and democrats will say NOTHING if the US is attacked and the US goes on the offensive. My only hope is that all future victims of terrorism are liberal and democrats who support these terrorist. The should be responsible for their vote and stand behind their opinion.


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Supporting Member 11
A buddy of mine is in Israel working on a new Intel project he sent us a video out of his balcony, pretty nuts. His group has since been moved north of Tel Aviv a much safer place, says they have heard rumors that some of the weapons left behind in Afghanistan have been turning up from Hamas fighters. Thanks Joe!!!


Well Known Member
Hamass was funded by Iran and this crap has been going on since the Carter days, now it's worse with Carter 2.0 in there (AKA>Mush Brian biden) The real thing here is no one should be able to hunt down and kill innocent people and the ones that support this crap need to leave or be kicked out. If the Rino's can't see this then they need to be kicked to the curb also. Deport all those who support terrorism inc. all the leftist goons. #FJB and we need Trump back for 4 more years of peace.


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Supporting Member 6
Put Hamas and all the trouble making Fruit Pies on a desert island and see who gets converted!! :bat



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Supporting Member 6
Looks like all the lives wasted, the money spent rebuilding Iraq, military equipment destroyed was wasted, now they're not our little buddies anymore they're shooting at us again!!! :finger



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Supporting Member 6
This kind of crap has been going on for way to long right under the FBI and CIA's nose and they knew about all of it but did nothing about it! These Taliban training camps in Cleveland Oh. and Philadelphia and others when the FBI was asked about it, they said that they have broken no laws so we can't do anything about it!! You have a look at that map Levine held up and the whole east coast is in real trouble, ITS TIME TO START TAKING OUT THE TRASH!!!! Then we can get free room and board down in DC with the Jan 6er's because I believe that if we try to defend ourselves we'll find out whose side the RATS are on, but we already know that!
I've always thought that these huge Muzzie communities need to be investigated and most probably broken up! Over in the UK these so called No GO Zones the police are afraid to go into and do anything and I would imagine the same applies here in the US! So, I think that we find ourselves in one big pickle here and this Pickle is heavily endorsed by the RAT party and I'll even throw some Rhinos in the kitty too, the last 3 years proves this! The length of time that our premiere cops have known about all this pretty much tells the story that they don't give a flyer about it or us! The Rat party are traitors to this Country and need to serve the rest of their life in prison, just where they've tried to put Trump since 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
