Jehovah Witness repellant

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Ever notice on their literature, they depict themselves as happy smiling ecstatic people, and the others are all depicted as drab and miserable? They come up uninvited to tell you all about the wonderful news of an upcoming battle of Armageddon that will kill everybody else off but them, A new earth will emerge from it all, and only them will be left to inhabit it. Doesn't that sound hopeful and nice?A super anointed class of only 144,000 of their best and brightest will be the only ones to go to Heaven and dwell with God.The rest of them will live forever on a cleaned up new earth. Everybody else will be annihilated and won't exist anyplace. Now, several fallacies exist here. First off, if a new world comes along inhabited by nobody but them,I join with the majority opinion that I don't want to be there stuck on a terrestrial rock with nobody but them around to drive us nuts. If they all went to their own planet and nobody else was there to bother, it would probably drive them nuts. Might be their eternal punishment or something to not have anybody else to bother. At any rate, maybe they should get their own planet, set up shop, and the rest of us could ship them all our democrats to give them something to do while helping clean up our planet. If there was any truth to their beliefs, at least that would give them something useful to do with themselves.


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Supporting Member 6
I could be all wet here but isn't the number 144K the number of converted Jews in the end times. I believe theres scripture saying its a world without end.


Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
You're absolutely correct. Some people appropriate facts concerning all kinds of things to include either themselves or someone else they choose to exclude, but their position that it's all them contradicts Scripture that God gave the apostle John to show forth things to come. The jw cult has their own Bible. They say that all others are only a version of Scripture that varies from the original texts, but the jw new world translation is the only true Bible because they claim it's a direct translation, not a version. Now, the typical jw isn't college educated, their group discourages higher education since an enlightened mind rarely stays a jw for very long, but none of their scholars ( I use that term loosely), has ever seen an original text either, but theirs is neither an original text translation or a version because it's nothing but a corruption. Also,none of them ever went to Bible college or a seminary, none of them studied ancient Hebrew or Greek, so they wouldn't know a translation or a version from last year's phone directory. They are not the first cult nor the last that has claimed to have special insight on all the answers, tells monumental lies and false promises,and promises a better day ahead if you would but just let them take you there, running your life and controlling your mind in the process. Sounds like our current political class,doesn't it?


Well Known Member
I, my best bud and my best bud's brother were all in the Southeast Asian "conflict" together. The brother was killed shortly after arriving. My bud escorted his brother's body home. Their parents were Jehovah Witnesses. They were told (by the church) that if they accepted the American flag, they would be shunned from the church. However, they were more than happy to accept the $10,000 insurance money to be given to the church. Also, the brother could not be buried in his Marine Corps uniform! If that situation had happened to me, I would have burned that church to the ground, horse-whipped the Elder and never looked back or gone back. :finger:finger

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
That's the thing with that bunch.Total control, total compliance, and inconsistencies between so-called elders.It's a mind control cult. If you differ with them, you get rebuked in front of the whole congregation. If that fails, you are disfellowshipped, publicly shunned,and they are not allowed to have anything to do with you. well, I would publicly ask,"What's the bad news?" They are not allowed to have friends outside the congregation, their children can't play with or socialize with other children from normal families, wives and husbands are split up over differences of opinions with this bunch,and it destroys families. They are not recognized as a normal church, but a cult anyways, so if you don't have anything to do with them, that's for the best. Good patriotic flag saluting, military supporting decent Americans are disrespected by them, so in my mind, that bunch needs to go. I can't see how a weird cult like that even survives, but I guess they find enough weak minded persons to staff their slave class and keep it going. Good thing is that they lose more people than they recruit, so it's gradually shrinking. Just tell the next one you meet that he's the first one that has ever visited you since you were disfellowshipped 30 years ago. That should end the visits.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
You know, one more thought than I'll get done here. That brave young man that lost his life in the "conflict" was not only disrespected and unappreciated by his parents, but he laid his life on the line and made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and keep those fools alive, too. Look at the way they didn't even appreciate it. The other thing, if he was in the military service, he wasn't in the jw cult. How can they specify what the non witness family member can and can't wear to his own funeral?Also, the Flag could have been given to another next of kin. I can't imagine ingratitude like that. It's beyond me. Just don't assume that all Christian denominations are like that because they aren't.That's why we call them a cult.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
After this all dies down, here's another JW joke.
A large retail clothing store was about fifteen minutes before closing.The only people left there awaiting quitting time were the manager, two cashiers, and a stock room worker. All was quiet that evening when a car with three men inside drove up, stopped, the occupants looked at the front of the store, then drove off in a hurry. A moment later, several cars drove up, stopped, and about a hundred j.w's got out and started for the doors. The manager remarked,'Oh, no. I shouldn't have put that new sale sign up in the window this afternoon". The clerk asked,"Which sign was that"? The manager answered," Boy's pants 1/2 Off.


Well Known Member
After this all dies down, here's another JW joke.
A large retail clothing store was about fifteen minutes before closing.The only people left there awaiting quitting time were the manager, two cashiers, and a stock room worker. All was quiet that evening when a car with three men inside drove up, stopped, the occupants looked at the front of the store, then drove off in a hurry. A moment later, several cars drove up, stopped, and about a hundred j.w's got out and started for the doors. The manager remarked,'Oh, no. I shouldn't have put that new sale sign up in the window this afternoon". The clerk asked,"Which sign was that"? The manager answered," Boy's pants 1/2 Off.
Are you sure that wasn't car loads of Catholic priests?

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
I think that any public school teacher would honestly tell you that the two most annoying sets of parents of kids are the welfare queens who are always looking for some excuse to scream prejudice and demand compensation, and the jehovahs witnesses. One is always screaming at them demanding some kind of preferential treatment, always trying to get something for nothing all the time, and the other is always telling you that" we don't do this or that because we are j.w's. " Then, the teacher is always expected to bend to accommodate the complainers. Having three public school teachers in my immediate family, I think I know a thing or two about what they all deal with. My wife is a speech language pathologist, sees children daily who have speaking issues, most of which kids readily outgrow, but the welfare class in her district have learned that if you have a disabled or a somehow slow learner, you qualify for extra welfare . If she administers a test, and a child tests out, then the extra benefit is cancelled, which can be as much as a thousand dollars a month. These parents have really learned how to work the system at everybody's expense. Boy, do some of them raise a ruckus if their junior dependant tests out and no longer needs special services. Now, who is cheating who?The other class of parents, the jw's, are always telling you how bad and corrupt the entire world is, and seem to feel they are entitled to special treatment, in the form of alternative assignments, extra work, etc, but the item that seems to annoy me is that some people, both of which are the most nonproductive members of society imaginable seem to have the most obnoxious attitude of entitlement a person could have. They don't appreciate a thing.I guess what our grandparents told us applies here- there are two kinds of people in our world, the givers, and the takers. I prefer to be a giver and a helper of others, but I have no obligation to take this stuff the takers seem to want to give the rest of us. I'm very thankful to be able to serve others and share something with those who appreciate it and are truly deserving.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
If Bob become a Jehovas Witness or Democrat we're screwed.

Wristpin couldn't"t you see Bob pulling up your driveway to deliver you the good news in that little red 1960 Fiat he's had his eye on?:winner Maybe you could remove that offending debris from the back seat I'm sure he'd be appreciative .:good
