Omar needs a thread

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


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Omar does not need a thread. She needs a full-body enema to get rid of the shit coming out of that orifice, commonly referred to as a mouth. She is as stupid as she is naive. She and Alexandria Ocasio Cockroach are competing for the world's most ignorant individual, either by default or parroting what they have been told to say. Either way, these two women are dangerous because of their excretion is believed by a lot of people just as ignorant, without any thought of consequences. :mad3 :finger:finger


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Supporting Member 6
Well here you go here's a vid of VP Pence talking about the SomaliMuzz and supporting Israel it even has a bonus petition you can sign to send the Muzz back to wherst it come from.:appl:appl:appl



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Supporting Member 6
I wish the citizens of this country would get off there lazy collective ass's especially those of Minnesota and Michigan and demand that these idiots be kicked out of Congress. And that also go's for her party too and the Dems want us to believe that their party gives a $hit about this Country this tells me they don't and it should tell everybody the same thing ,there once was a time that saying things like this just wouldn't fly and there would be outrage.
