Pocahontas Predictions


Isn't it nice, we allow the person who can buy and cheat his way in to become in charge of us and our country. And people even vote that in! How lovely... Nothing wrong here...


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Yeah the new virus case out on the Left coast that magically appeared can you imagine what these people from way don't South can collect and bring with them into this Country.



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Hopefully we have enough NORMAL citizens to counterbalance the wacko's at election time! The problem is, it's just a matter of time before one of these idiots gets into the White house! Heaven help this country when it happens...

The Dems are getting brave Bob now their saying that like the top five running for President can beat Trump. We need to rent a bus and go down to S.C and kick a few of them right square in the nuts and yes I am including the ones that are masquerading as wimens.:good:bat


Junkman 104

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Someone should scalp her, and put her hair on CNN Van Jones' head.:laughNow, that would be a Whitelash.

CNN's own Don LeMon would look tits with Pokeys hair atop his noggin. I bet it would even turn on fellow CNN Butt Buddies Cooper and the bald blimp and should be taxed for every breath of air he or it takes! Hell everyone in the Rat party would be thinking kinky PARTAY thoughts:pepper! Maybe the RepubeiKunt's could finally ketch the Rats at doing something and have the Balls to do something!
