Riots Tonight

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Is any of this rioting, looting,and vandalism and societal unrest going on in san francisco, or is the great toilet by the bay so full of feces,needles,panhandlers,and bums that even rioters and protesters won't touch it? Haven't heard a word about them making the news this time around. If that's the reason, it's because of the result of liberalism at it's finest. In fact, let's call the anarchy crowd this time by the new name of Liberal Supremists. There, that should accurately sum it up.


Well Known Member
What would you call a white person, born in Africa and whose white parents, grandparents and great grandparents were also born in Africa? This person was immersed in and respected all African customs, cultures, mores, history, religions, language, dress and way of life. He has advanced degrees in several aspects of African life. This person then immigrated to the U.S. because the family business was nationalized by the government and had to abandon EVERYTHING. He started his own successful business and calls himself "American."

Compare the above-mentioned white person to a black person of the same age, who was born in Trinidad. His parents (both black and American citizens) moved to Trinidad from the U.S. They, subsequently, moved back to the U.S. He knows absolutely nothing about Trinidad or the U.S. and could care less. He has a BS degree in human relations and is currently looking for employment. He insists that he be called "African-American."

Who is the true "African-American?" We have black people who can't find Africa on a world map and know absolutely zip about Africa and its customs! :doh We have white people who can't find the United States on a world map and are so ignorant of U.S. history they can't pass a third-grade history or geography test! :doh

I know of what I speak. We all (black, white, yellow, brown or purple) better get our shit together as "Americans" and stop bickering over hyphenated names. We live in the greatest country on earth, protected by the greatest document (U.S. Constitution) ever written by mankind, since the big bang. Everyone can succeed, if they get off the couch and stop blaming others for their misfortune. We better get our head out of our asses and start acting like we want to preserve our way of life and all the freedoms and dreams that go with it. Chuckl :winner :winner


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Is any of this rioting, looting,and vandalism and societal unrest going on in san francisco, or is the great toilet by the bay so full of feces,needles,panhandlers,and bums that even rioters and protesters won't touch it? Haven't heard a word about them making the news this time around. If that's the reason, it's because of the result of liberalism at it's finest. In fact, let's call the anarchy crowd this time by the new name of Liberal Supremists. There, that should accurately sum it up.

Hey wouldn't it be a hoot if they had a Vaseline shortage in San Francisco.:laugh4
