Riots Tonight


Get involved in politics? Vote??? Other than Trump, they are all the same. I think they even got to him since he just lets them shit all over him and has done nothing to make the criminals pay or to expose them so everyone could see. Vote for what? The cheating is NEVER dealt with so does my vote even matter in that case? Every one of these snake politicians lies right to your face, what is the difference between any and how can I tell if there is?

If this country is to go on "free", it better stop the lying brain washing media machine NOW! That's the real problem here. It would take a long time to un-do the damage it's done. Lot's of sheeple to un-brainwash!


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If it ever comes to choosing sides I just hope the Cops & the Military chooses wisely. Up to this point it does seem that the Dems are above the law because there's something keeping their smelly corrupt asses out of the pokey.



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The elected positions they are in, protect them from prosecution. Additionally, as a rule, NO president is prosecuted for basically anything they do during their term(s) It is basically an unwritten rule. Mostly because their political enemies would go after them as soon as they were out. The only way to change it would be to change the laws. Congress as a whole is not going to vote to put themselves in jail. People want police reform because excessive force is used WAY too much. And I agree in general. However what about the beatdown used on the American people by our elected officials? When will the people seriously want to do anything real about both party's?


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What gets my undies all wadded up is when these stupid news people say that the voter are very savvy & smart they'll see through all of this crap and vote accordingly and I say BS on that , look how the Repubeicans lost the House and if you believe some of the polls there's a good chance they'll even lose the Senate.

There's a lot of crap that's wrong in this Country but the Dems are pushing us into a controlled pussy state. Its like now Pelosi and others are drawing up plans to defund the Police, I mean are they totally out of their E-Fin minds could you imagine not having any cops you better start feeding all the 30 round clips you have in the house because the $hits gonna hit the proverbial fan if they succeed . I know they won't get it past the Senate but what happens if the Pubes even lose this.?



Well Known Member
It's time to have fun with these little bastards. Get cartons of cigs and make them all exploding along with that booze that was killing people in those islands and dying a few years ago. when the shit start put the crap on the shelves and let them take it. Another thing would be to put dye packs in every box, get home and BAM we know you stole it.


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Supporting Member 2
It's time to have fun with these little bastards. Get cartons of cigs and make them all exploding along with that booze that was killing people in those islands and dying a few years ago. when the shit start put the crap on the shelves and let them take it. Another thing would be to put dye packs in every box, get home and BAM we know you stole it.
We would have to have a DA in those area's that would prosecute. Not gonna happen. I will give the left one thing, they are persistant and will back their people. Look at that one fund alone of 20 million dollars to bail these thugs out.


Well Known Member
Heard Minneapolis city council woman on news state police department is now defunded and will be disbanded. It will be replaced with an organization that enforces Progressive beliefs and not unfair laws.
Replace her position name with Adolf Hitler. Welcome to Germany 1932.

Junkman 104

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Well Seasoned Member
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Get involved in politics? Vote??? Other than Trump, they are all the same. I think they even got to him since he just lets them shit all over him and has done nothing to make the criminals pay or to expose them so everyone could see. Vote for what? The cheating is NEVER dealt with so does my vote even matter in that case? Every one of these snake politicians lies right to your face, what is the difference between any and how can I tell if there is?

If this country is to go on "free", it better stop the lying brain washing media machine NOW! That's the real problem here. It would take a long time to un-do the damage it's done. Lot's of sheeple to un-brainwash!
Bob: Our President, needs to throw that A$$hole Jared Kushner out. He's pushing Trump, in the wrong direction. Also, has anyone read the article on Facebook about George Floyd?:dunno I've been told, he was a career criminal, and the protestors, are making him a Martyr.:dunno2He died a horrible way, but....