To all my democrat friends


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
The Rats like to keep their brightest and most upstanding honest people in office! Now the Rats want to look at those drop box cameras when it suits them!



Well Known Member
I've never heard a Dem say their "guy or gal" in office needs to go.
McCarthy needs to go away
McConnell needs to go away
They don't represent America. They vote as they are instructed by their owners. They amass wealth not in line with their govt paychecks.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Just goes to show ya when the blithering bOOb that Occupies/Homesteads at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and from when the Potato signed on the dotted line on day 1 of his stolen presidency and when he $hits the bed due to his bungling he in turn $hits in all our beds because of the crappy ways of his policies!!
I was looking to buy a retired LEO pistol at an online gun shop in my state and I noticed an offer to charge it through one of their credit sources, so I clicked on it to see if it was interest free, but to my dismay I found that the interest rate was like almost 36% so I sez to myself smell ya later!!
