To all my Republican Friends


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Got that $hit right.



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Hopefully that misserable runs for president again.

Be careful for what you wish for WristPin if the last election was any kind of indication of what might lay ahead for 2020 I don't think I would want to bet on anything because stupidity abounds .Plus I don't know what the Dems are trying to pull down in Florida but it smells pretty rotten and its apparent that they'll do anything to get the power back like Hilly Billy's suicide list getting longer.



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The Far Left Nutcases would vote for anyone other than a Conservative and would do whatever it takes to cheat to win. The ends always justify the means with them. Just like Hitler, Beria, Stalin, Moa...oh wait those are now Right wing demagogs according to Progressives.
If Hitlery runs again she isn't going to get 25% or more of the Middle if the Road Liberals. They held their noses last time and will even more now that Hitlery's true Fanatisism has emerged. Many are still pissed that after they did vote for her she Bitch Slapped them for Not doing enough. Hollywood elite are abandoning her and much of the gay community finally see Trump Conservatives do not want them ruined or demonized. Her only power base is going to be inner city and illegal votes. Very many Latinos do not like her and dont trust her. They also dont like being played like she did with them. I work with alot of people from south of the border who are here legally and for them she has nothing they want. Trump hasn't said anything bad about Legal Immigrants just the truth about Illegals and they agree about 75-90% from what i hear from them. Women in the workforce are tired of the Clintons. They understand that the Clintons were part of the Sexual Harrasment culture and the leaders in the idea that attacking women who come foreward was the best defense. It wasnt Hitlery who took down theses powerbrokers in entertainment or politics or business it was women and men who said enough is enough. Who here would be ok with their wives or daughters being treated like some of theses women were? Hitlery was The Voice in denouncing women for 30+ years and now she expects their vote? Huge amounts of women are done supporting candidates who talk about anyones rights then do all they can to trample and minimize basic rights.


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Hitlery got a lot of votes out of the left coast seems like they'll do just about anything for the ole Bags Hitlery & Waters:crazy and the other Libs out there and just to boost their vote count I wouldn't be surprised if California invaded Mexico just to up the vote count:gamer (this could be entertaining to watch):D. But it would be hard to tell what state/country you were standing in if you took a walkabout out there on the Left Coast and especially if you took a head count in California they probably come close to having as many Mehecans living there as back in their home country and the terrain looks close to being about the same.



There are so many crimes by this hag and she doesn't get prosecuted! Instead, let's let her run for President again! Yeah, what could possibly go wrong there? 2 years have gone by, not one of the criminals in DC has been prosecuted. The excuse I heard was they were waiting till after the mid terms. Ok, so can we get justice served now??? Waiting for more excuses here...


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I don't think you'll ever see it Bob and I think its pretty strange that we don't see something considering the DOJ is run by the Repubeicans its like I said before the fix is in there's a higher power at work here and their playing us for chumps. And dare I say it but the 2nd Amendment has provisions installed by the founding fathers for a Government that runs amuck I just never thought that we might ever reach that point, it would indeed be a sad day for our country if this was ever utilized. But the cookbook that they are using certainly has this recipe in it and they know it!! And I might add that I am not one of these conspiracy theory kooks I am just simply making an observation.



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South Texas WaterTank

Take a look at what showsup at a South Texas stock water tank in dryweather.

For those of you who have never hunted in South Texas, sometimes we post motion detector cameras at our feeder/tanks to see what is going on.

Check out this sequence at a water tank.
Be sure to see the last photo!!!
Mountain Lion








Democrats on their way to vote


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Looks like you need to set up a combination Green card/ toll booth. Man you sure have a variety of wildlife that pass's through there.



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Can I see the picture where the mountain lion meets up with the "democrats" of the last photo? :mock Big cats gotta eat too! :laugh4

Remember Bob its called moderation. Maybe we can get you sum later you don't want to go and get yer arteries all plugged up do ya with all that grease specially with the holidays coming an all. I think a tag team match between the Badger/Cougar against the Dems might be kinda quaint though.



Wait until more and more are fooled into socialism as time goes on! That asshole cortez is converting the young now. The media and schools will help...

The election system is a total joke! Can we get more hands into it? The more people that have access to the votes, the more chances for cheating! Early voting offers more time to cheat, then you have votes sitting around longer. Who watches over this? I don't have the magic answer but what we have now is NOT working!


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Wait until more and more are fooled into socialism as time goes on! That asshole cortez is converting the young now. The media and schools will help...

The election system is a total joke! Can we get more hands into it? The more people that have access to the votes, the more chances for cheating! Early voting offers more time to cheat, then you have votes sitting around longer. Who watches over this? I don't have the magic answer but what we have now is NOT working!

Their already going after the kids .There's a channel called the Universal kids channel it has cartoons and other kid related stuff its channel 108 on Spectrums list and I think it is NBC that has a show on this channel and its aimed at kids and their trying to reel kids in to their way of thinking like the Supreme court and voting and stuff. I've never watched it so I don't know how hard their fishing but someone needs to put a torpedo in their fishing boat though.



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The dumbocracts will try anything to brain wash people.It will never work.The American people are listening to the elderly people on how the American dream and free enterprise use to be.They are tired of corporate America,wall street,bad government.The people are wanting to learn old school ways,America first.Slowly more people are voting the losers out.Every besiness is screaming by local,why you dont hire local.The small besiness are slowly returning.I believe next year will be better.Trumps tariff tax is working,a wake up to America and the world,weve had enough helping the world,we need to help us now,if not America will not exist.Trump is not the answer,but a great start.


Trump is not the answer? So far I'd have to disagree. I haven't seen anyone other than Mr. Trump do any of this or even want to do any of this. I can't think of anyone other than Mr. Trump that could actually accomplish it either. What we usually get is someone that makes promises to get in and then... Well anything goes! Mr. Trump is a man of his word. (other than locking hillary up but that may happen yet)

What I worry about is who is going to continue his great work. If the dumbocrats get back in, we'll be right back to where we started in no time. Their logic defies common sense!