to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I think BitezMe should reimburse people that didn't take the jab since your tax dollars paid for it! We would all retire filthy rich!



Well Known Member
Just getting things ready for the upcoming election...

yup ... our local media ran a similar story. they're trying to use local physicians this time. They co-opted so many white coats now they can 'afford' to decentralize the message.
meanwhile, there's the undertone in news director offices around the nation, waxing nostalgic over the glory days of 2020's spring where all eyes were on their particular program EVERY night as they 24/7 pumped-out the latest infection/death stats. Many were scrambling to find the real time data reporting, unable to get their "fix" of "current report's" being once/day.