Tripower air cleaners


Having got my 32 sedan/348 on the road I realised that despite generally driving fine the performance was not as snappy as I thought it would be. Everything was running fine just a little lacklustre. I have been running the Mr Gasket louvred chrome air cleaners and tried removing them. As many of you will have guessed by now the car ran a lot faster. So what are accepted as being the best air cleaners for a Tripower in terms of performance? I like the look of the louvred ones but for me the performance is more important.


Thanks for the guidance. We have a dealer for O Brien over here in the UK and he had some in stock so now ordered.

poison ivy

Well Known Member
the stock tri power air cleaner with the stock filter element turned upside down works fine for me. it looks good and stock with additional air intake.


I'm a great believer in factory performance parts but on the 32 Ford there is not enough room for a factory cleaner set-up.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
you could make one



Just an update as I was able to give the car a good run today. It's transformed! I used O' Brien Truckers round cleaners with a cloth inset. Set the car up again and it was noticeable right from the off that it drove a lot better. It wants to just keep pulling in second now and carries on after the upshift. Before the change there was a nil excitement factor, now it just makes me smile. Job done nicely thanks.
If I could just get that oil filler tube cap to stay on now I'm driving it harder...


I plan to do that but getting one over here is not so easy. Sometimes we have to make do with the Chinese stuff until we can locate a good factory item!


Are the reproduction breathers from say a Tri Chevy specialist any good or do I need to look for a factory original?