Up all night watching the fire...


No, not a warm fire in the fire place on this cold night but my neighbors house! Started about 1:50am last night. Woke up to the lady yelling.

Their house is maybe 20' from ours. It appears that it started inside the front enclosed porch roof and got into the wall and up to the attic. It took them about 3 hours until the last of the smoke stopped. They had a hell of a time it seemed. From it being 10 degrees at the time, ice everywhere! They couldn't get the hose disconnected from the back of the truck when they were done so they had to leave it connected and roll the hose up toward the truck. Highway was a sheet of ice but they dumped about a ton of salt on it.

Now I would NEVER wish anything like this on anyone but these people were the neighbors from HELL! Years of problems with them. Years of problems with previous owners/renters too. All drug related stuff! I really don't think it's fixable so hopefully I won't have to deal with their BS anymore. (don't mean to sound like a meanie but...) Very glad no one was hurt. The guy wasn't home, it was just his girlfriend and their dog (pitt bull), both got right out at the very beginning.

Have to wait to see what the cause was to be sure. I'll let you guys know when I hear anything.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Looks like a 100 year old wood frame house, the front porch was enclosed, the rear of the upper story was added on to, then added onto again, wonder if anybody ever upgraded the wiring?. At least, it looks like it's through being a repository for problematic people. Hope the neighborhood gives it a big sigh of relief. In California, they'd knock it down and build a 5000 square foot welfare project for about 10 families at 5.2 million dollars cost.

alaska gasser

Well Known Member
Glad your house is okay. Years ago there was a house fire two doors down. The fire trucks showed up while it was still small. However, they turned around in front of our place and left. Found out later we were on the boundary between two districts. By the time the other department showed up the house was history.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 17
wow John what an evening I agree with 4speedman get your people to contact the owner's people and buy that quickly "as is". Only condition is that pit bull BE GONE! I doubt the owners had insurance so they wont be able to clean out the lot but if you buy it right, quickly you have a new parking lot!


Well the story on that house goes like this...

My house was built by my grandfather and my grandmothers brother in the 50's. Then that house was built for my grandmothers brother and he lived there until 1968 when he passed away. Then my grandmother rented it out to a nice family who stayed there for a few years. Then my uncle bought it from my grandmother (and never finished paying her!) He was a carpenter (sort of) so he tore into that place! He was the kind of guy that would start something and never finish it, then move onto something else. He had it all ripped apart! Originally it was sort of "L" shaped, my uncle added the back section making it somewhat square.

Eventually he got bored with it and it sat un-lived loaded with junk for 10 years or better before my cousin bought it. That's when the real trouble started! My nightmare began there.

He put the place back together, added a heating system and what not but was arrested for selling drugs. (from there!) His wife who was a user shacked up with a guy that moved in and he got busted for cooking drugs in that house. Soon after someone that knew them bought it and a few more lived there and some renters until this current bozo got it. He was a nightmare from day 1! Who moves in at 2AM? They made so much noise I thought they were tearing the walls out.

I guess he's been there for at least 5 years and it's been HELL!!! They live like Dracula! Stays up all night working on the house or making other noises and sleeps about 6am-2pm give or take. I think he might be doing something illegal because he hardly ever worked and recently bought a 1 year old Ford Fusion and they seemed to be buying a lot of stuff lately. This is getting long so I won't go into anymore but hopefully, it's all over!

He's been in and out hauling some stuff out this morning. Guess anything that is salvageable.


I forgot, here in coal land paradise, we don't own the ground. We have to rent it. Everyone owns their houses but not the land. I doubt this guy had fire insurance but even if he did, nobody in their right might would built a new house on rented ground. Hopefully he doesn't move a trailer or something in! :mad5 Not counting my chickens just yet...


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I forgot, here in coal land paradise, we don't own the ground. We have to rent it. Everyone owns their houses but not the land. I doubt this guy had fire insurance but even if he did, nobody in their right might would built a new house on rented ground. Hopefully he doesn't move a trailer or something in! :mad5 Not counting my chickens just yet...

Glad all is ok for you Bob that was close. At least they saved the reindeer. What Communist thought up that land deal where you don't own the mineral rights?



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 17
Glad all is ok for you Bob that was close. At least they saved the reindeer. What Communist thought up that land deal where you don't own the mineral rights?


David Thomas is credited with being the north east coal Barron back in 1800’s. Quite possibly his people created the mineral rights for coal in Bob’s area. Actually mineral rights deeds are more common in the USA then we would want to admit