Whistle Blower

Junkman 104

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This is the way I've always thought of him when he would make an appearance. I always wondered where he stashed his club whenever O'Bummer would make one of his Unpresidential speech's to us he was always standing close to the doors so he could shake the Muzz's hand because I don't think you're allowed to take weapons into the Capitol building.:crazy



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Nads Nadler needs to have a chin just like Peter Griffin's on Family Guy cartoon then let the fun begin and that chin could have only looked better before Nads Nadler lost all the weight and looked like a little Piggy bowling ball.:D



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Supporting Member 18
Mark; I seen a picture of him, from the early 90's. :doh What a Big Tub,:laugh I tried to find that picture, on the internet. :dunno2He must have weighed 375 lbs.


Yeah but none of that information is worth a hill of beans when NOBODY DOES ANYTHING with it!!! The republicans would rather stay on defense all the time cowering in the corner. HOW MUCH evidence do they need?? How many wrong doings by hillary and NOTHING happens! obama gives a fake birth certificate and nobody cares. What if Trump did that? (no need to answer, it would be a massacre!)

Maybe they are all in it together playing "good cop, bad cop?" That's about all that makes sense to me.