Yea! Bernie is running.

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


I'm amazed anyone even listens to those fools. We had 8 years of the government meddling in health care system and we saw how that worked out didn't we??? There is a saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME! These liberal voters fall for anything! (and repeatedly too)

I guess we'll be back to something like obamacare getting rammed down our throats after Trump leaves. (2024) Heaven help us!


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Supporting Member 2
[QUOTE="bobs409, post:

I guess we'll be back to something like obamacare getting rammed down our throats after Trump leaves. (2024) Heaven help us![/QUOTE]

We would not have to worry about Obama care if the Republicans had done what they said when the carried both houses.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Freak show!!! I don't know the caption says these are Bernie supporters the loon:crazyatic that's screaming anyway and I sure and the hell hope that the drag queen aren't really Trump supporters.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Freak show!!! I don't know the caption says these are Bernie supporters the loon:crazyatic that's screaming anyway and I sure and the hell hope that the drag queen aren't really Trump supporters.

Ok hang on a second. The broad clapping is a man.....and the man screaming is a broad ? What the living furck....


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Supporting Member 3
All I got to say is you people in Detroit Michigan better put your asbestos panties on and carry a fire extinguisher with you, Bernie's supporters have been documented saying if he doesn't win the Democratic nomination they're going to burn down Detroit! They also said they're going to go to the news media and drag them out by their hair and catch them on fire! Funny thing is if a conservative would have made a statement like that they would already be in jail. I'm staying clear of the morons and going to watch the show, I hope nobody gets hurt!:pop:munch:cry2


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Supporting Member 2
Now a days they arrest you for anything and call it a terroristic threat. That is unless you are something other than a white male conservative. They hate racism, sexism, violence, hate in general, religion, and free speech. Unless they are the ones committing or using those, which they do daily. No one seems to care as long as it is not coming from the right or especially a white male conservative. Throw in Christian on that and its a death sentence.

Social Engineering:
By elitest
To control the simple minded.


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Supporting Member 6
What I'd like to know is you have these Cracker Libatards ridiculing Conservative Crackers calling them White Nationalists or Nazi's now where does this put them in the food chain . I mean are they denouncing their Cracker heritage or what so if they're denouncing being a Cracker and they're not Black, Asian, Spanish , Muzzie and they don't belong to Lizzie (Pocahontas) Warren's 10,000/24% tribe where does this leave them what is they're nationality now maybe they'll rub some lampblack on their face and hope that Al Sharpton's people adopt them and then they can claim some of those reparation dollars.:good:winner
