19 Kids and 2 Adults Killed in TX today Biden uses it to talk about gun control



Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Why not put the Border Patrol to work guarding our schools? Their not allowed to do their job down there.

We give away billions of dollars to other countries every year, some that hate us, why not spend money to protect our kids?

Geary Trussell

Well Known Member
When I was a kid in the fifties nobody had all these guns other than a 22 or shot gun for hunting. We didn't need all these guns. We don't need them now. There are a few people deciding we need this unlimited access to guns with the overwhelming majority wanting an end to the selling of the public guns designed for military war use. The NRA has succeeded in arming US and this is what we have now. Any day it could be your kids or loved ones massacred then you would have second thoughts about this dilemma we are all in.


Well Known Member
When I was a kid in the fifties nobody had all these guns other than a 22 or shot gun for hunting. We didn't need all these guns. We don't need them now. There are a few people deciding we need this unlimited access to guns with the overwhelming majority wanting an end to the selling of the public guns designed for military war use. The NRA has succeeded in arming US and this is what we have now. Any day it could be your kids or loved ones massacred then you would have second thoughts about this dilemma we are all in.
You grew up without firearms. Many of us grew up with them. We learned to respect them.
Ask yourself an honest question..."why do these mass murder shooters use guns". I say its because they dont respect guns, other people, rights or life.
Why are ex-military not the NUMBER ONE killers of innocent people? Virtually every single one has handled weapons.


Well Known Member

May 25

As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.

Just found out our former communist pres Omonkey said about the shooting, that he felt sorry for the george floyd family after 2 years in a tweet. We know where that POS stands on little kids getting killed.


Supporting Member 1
Guns and respect are the answer not the problem. When the shit hits the fan, everybody calls someone with a gun for protection. The good Lord helps them that help themselves. Geary, would you feel better if they were shot with a shotgun or a 22? Likely not. The guns that were used are semi auto weapons, not full auto. Big difference. Aretha Franklin said it best RESPECT!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Just found out our former communist pres Omonkey said about the shooting, that he felt sorry for the george floyd family after 2 years in a tweet. We know where that POS stands on little kids getting killed.

Funny you should mention ole George! They just paraded George's daughter in front of The Potato "not in any kind of charge by the furthest stretch of your imagination"! And good news the Potato's an equal opportunity sniffer so he gave her a good ole snort-a-rooney. She probably has more money than the Potato ever since the good people (NOT) gave the family all those millions for being a counterfeiter and drug abuser and just all-around waste of non-human flesh



Supporting Member 1
I grew up in a house filled with guns. I mean literally 50-100 at any given time. Ammo up the wazoo. I never once was chased, threatened, or shot at from any of the guns. When I was a child I slept with my single shot shotgun and my lever action rifles in my closet. Why did none of them ever come after me??? Because they can’t. They need a person to operate them. Are guns more deadly now than in the 50’s. Guns have not fundamentally changed in 100 years. If the guns have not changed, than society must have. Up until 1986 you could easily purchase a full auto rifle. Where were all of the shootings then? Society and people’s standards have slipped to a dangerous new low, with no end in sight. For the sake of all, I sure hope we can stop the slide we are all on. My children have been taught how to respect firearms,people, and the laws of this country. More parents need to teach their children the same. God bless all here.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
It has nothing to do with respect of firearms, these last two mass shooting was done by 18 year old kids. Whatever was used too brainwash them, that sounds like a lot more misinformation about humans of all racists.

How can an 18 year old kid hate any people (brainwashed or up bringing raised too hate)? I hear all the BS comments and that's all that has been said with hate and no solution.

I'm a veteran and respect weapons and there keep for protection an I'll have them till I'm gone and the government is not coming too get them.

Mental health has too be it or up bringing raised too be a hater , when we were 18 we were buried in grease working on some kind of hot rod or project, serving our country or in college.

Abbott moved all the funding for mental health, too fund make Texas One whatever the heck that is.

I don't have a solution, being in my late 60's, I'm being 17 with my old hot rod and not wanting too kill anyone!!!!!!

We grew up during some of the best times, Kid's need need too get back out and play and need too being asking their parents can i stay out another 30 minutes.

Get back too service work and trade school's and off the XBOX and sugar that has made our country OBESE.

We can't keep blaming it on Clinton and NAFTA. It's been too many years since him and both administrations for selling out our manufacturing.

I have grand-kids from 14-28 years old, their not on XBOX'S and they have very involved parents in their life keeping them busy. Not teaching hatred but common sense for life's survival!!!!!!!

God Bless these young children that were taken from us and their families.
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Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I can't argue with our1962.

Kids are much different today than when I grew up. Our society has made pussies out of them. They are put on Ritalin by teachers at a young age because they can't handle them in school. That comes from the parents not doing their job at home. How many of these shooters are on or have been on prescription anti-depressant drugs? What happened to treatment facilities? I believe most all of the mental institutions have been closed in Iowa.

The shooter came from a nasty background. Why didn't DHS take him from the home years ago???? I know how the DHS here operates as I was on a Foster Care Review Board for several years and saw them in action. Not good.

You seldom see kids out playing like you used to. Most of their activities are now ORGANIZED by adults. What happened there? No more kids doing their own thing.....

Guns haven't changed since I was a kid, values have. Video games, killings on TV, moral values, and it goes on and on. How about all the faggottism, gender identity crap, and other nonsense that is taking place? How does that work on a kid's mind???

I respect the police but WTF was going on in Texas when the police on site did not go in and waited almost an hour for the SWAT or whatever it was to arrive? Waiting for the right protective equipment???? I understand they would have been risking their lives going into that school. Isn't the police's job to Protect and Serve???? Aren't they trained to do what is needed in these kinds of situations. Or are they just on the clock to write traffic violations???? They held back parents that wanted to go in and get their children.

Like I have stated before, we have plenty of money to send all over the world to fix things in other countries, we should have plenty of money to protect children at our schools. Guards, locks, limited access, ect.

Last night on BBC news they kept saying the shooter used automatic weapons. Lying bastards. You don't buy automatic weapons without a special permit. Semi-automatic is correct.

If anyone thinks restricting firearms from law abiding people in this country is the answer they need to do a little more research on it. Will all the gang bangers, criminals, and weekend shooters in Chicago follow any new laws? How gullible can a person be to believe that???

If this administration thinks infringing on 2nd Amendment rights will change anything see above paragraph. This is just another chance for them to politicize their agenda to disarm the LAW ABIDING American public. If you think people are fed up with they way things are going now, try disarming the law abiding public, and you may have a REAL INSURRECTION ON YOUR HANDS......

Spend the money to protect our kids, you're not going to change any of the other societal things.
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Well Known Member
So sick of this smug POS. What does George Floyd have to do with this school tragedy? It's always narrative and agenda on the forefronts of these people's minds. They give a d@mn less about the people. That's why they scoff at us wanting to bolster security in schools. Gotta have these tragedies continue so they can exploit them for their politics. Why would you not want the first responders and the last line of defense right there on-site in the schools?


Well Known Member
It looks to me like the libs and their ways have caused the Pussification of the younger generations. All the teaching of kids the sick things in the school system is working well for them. Using pronouns, transgender, all the queer things that are taking the manlyness away from the male population. For example today the 18-20 year old with the ponytail that checked me out is the norm. When I walked up to the register I mentioned I was not a member and didn't need my stuff bagged. Guess what, he asked me if I was a member and threw my things in a bag 2 minutes later........ Here this healthy kid is working there for maybe 15 bucks an hour. I'm glad he's working, but there are many jobs in construction that pay well over 25 dollars an hour and probably more if you travel. That kind of work is beneath them today. They're above getting dirty. They are above working more than 8 hours a day. They can live at home off of mom and dad. Will that kid move up from his cash register job??? I can tell you someone in construction will move up if he shows initiative.

As far as the left wanting to cure the shootings with gun laws....DON'T GIVE AN INCH. They get upset, as we all do when one of these shootings happens, but guns haven't changed since I was a kid, people have. Just last week in the town of 5,500 a few miles away, 2 freshmen kids set a bunch of fires around town at 1:30 AM, torched a Parks & Recreation Department's pickup, and burnt down tens of thousands of dollars of playground equipment. I don't recall things like this happening when I was a kid. IS IT THE MATCHES FAULT?????? Did the parents even have a clue where their kids were???

These shootings are terrible but I think the best way to stop them is the death penalty for these incidents or just take them out on the spot like the last shooter. The left shouldn't be concerned about the death penalty, they seem to think partial birth abortions are ok.
Because of 9/11, we didn't ban planes. We secured the cockpit. Schools need to be secured. Speaking of banning - remember how the banning of alcohol went? And of course, drugs are banned.....