2024 .... TRUMP OR BIDEN. ???


Well Known Member
Well it's not from the sources you have implied I get them from. However, it would not matter where I told you my information comes from. You want to argue your point and would not believe me anyway. And honestly I kick myself for joining this conversation, or continuing it this long. So, I have but one suggestion. We bet. $100's to be donated to 348/409 in the other persons name. My bet is Trump will not be the President in 2024. Let me know if you are in. Until then, you win the argument/discussion. I am wrong on all counts. I don't know anything about anything and freely admit it. :bow

Bob, your the reciepient so keep score.
You are right, the McRino's will not let Donald get the nomination, it will either be Pence or DeSactumoius. After that Trump can start the viable 3rd party and ruin it for the other parties and start to capture seats in congress to put a sop to both of the uni-parties crookedness we've all had to put up with for decades.


Well Known Member
Notice all the media are now trying to drive a wedge between Trump and anyone that is with him? They are trying to take any steam out of Trumps come back.
DeSantis himself even said "we just got out of an election; everyone needs to calm down." Very true. Get your panties out of a twist, gentleman. Recognize the tactics of those trying to bring We The People conservatives down. Notice the NeverTrumpers (some of them even here) chiming in playing devil's advocate encouraging us to ditch Trump.




Well Known Member
Supporting Member 7
1) Dr. Steve Turley

I have a man crush on this guy. I should get a life sized Steve Turley poster and put it on the garage wall. He's a hell of a guitar player too.

We all need to be in this conversation and I applaud you for being in it rather than being someone who doesn't care.

Agreed. I was raised by two democrats born in the mid 60's and I'm a product of dismal 2000's public education. I was a brain washed moron when I graduated high school. Rush started the wheels turning in 2005, Hussein Obama woke me up in 2008, Trump catalyzed me 2016-20. I was not pro Trump at all during the summer of 2016, for the record. I was all in for Ben Carson. I was all in for Herman Cain in 2012. Neither of those two excellent candidates could overcome the media slander. Orange man is the only one that could, and did.

Yeah ok, Biden fan. Thanks for the intellectual input. Go back to tinkering. Make that car go faster! Yee haw! Care to/able to engage in intellectual conversation?

Sadly I agree with this. I'm guilty of this too, but only to a point. He won't engage you because other things are more important than 'petty politics'. I've noticed this when people live in a comfortable area, have an established life, established information sources, and a closed mind. Could you blame the guy? No not really. Up in Montana he's largely unaffected by all the liberal destruction of the USA. It's basically Mayberry up there still in 2022. God bless em. I wish Denver area still was. I wish Philadelphia still was. I've seen Denver devolve into the biggest liberal s--thole you've ever seen next to Portland or Seattle in the last 10 years. Orange man didn't do that.