Creepy Uncle Joe


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Yep the RATS and Snakes are crawling out from their dark places. I can't wait for next winter when BiteMe got in office heating oil jumped .60 cents a gallon my Democrat Nephew and his Democrat Sister & husband and my Sister & Brother-in-Law ought to be real proud & happy for voting this $hit samimch into office. I'm gonna compile a list of BiteMe's dirty deeds and take it up and ask them how they think he's doing so far, their knowledge of the news is what Fake News deems suitable for their consumption! If all the Rats and Rinos were put in prison just think how much money that would free up, our tax's would go down there wouldn't be any pork in between the lines or at least cut down substantially on bills that were voted on.

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I have to disagree with the soup Bob Uncle Joe always eats spaghetti O's because his wife Dr. Jill doesn't want "Not my President" to feel bad when he's eating because he can't read or write but he always knows what a big fat O is all about!!:laugh2



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I like the one: "I wrote the bill on environment..." Sure he did. This guy couldn't write a note to Santa Claus!

And the world just laughs....

Maybe this is why Uncle Joe is so screwed up Bob he never had a proper Childs relationship with Santa. Every Christmas morning they had to take Joe into the bathroom after opening his presents and scrub the black (is this word racist) coal dust off of his hide.:laugh2:mock



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Well here's one more moniker that BiteMe can add to his list of weird things and a new name.:crazy



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And who would know more about the Ruskis and the Chinks but Father and Son. I'm surprised he even brought pipelines up or tried to being it up I should say!:laugh2:mock



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Dammit Mark!! I watched that whole thing and got 32% dumber!!

And he wanted to be "Not our President" too, well it seems like he's read the N.O.P. manual from cover to cover because he's doing a bang up job of screwing this Country up! I guess it might be time for KamalToe H.U. Harris to hit the off button I guess and dread ! I keep waiting for them to hit the switch from gas to wind power on the ole bOOb it is embarrassing to watch him he even screws up when reading the teleprompter!
