Happy But Sad Day


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
WOO-HOO:disco2:flag:pepper:bacon Yesterday I finally sold my T-28. I've been trying for over 3 years and it finally happened…..on my birthday, too. Not only do I have a few more dollars available for car stuff from the sale but I don't have to buy insurance, oil and $5 plus a gallon fuel for it anymore.:drums


:(:cry:cryblow:sorry2 I've owned it for 22 years and practically built it myself. I know every square inch of that airplane. I'll really miss being able to crank her up and listen to that beautiful 1425 HP radial sound like a bevy of solid lifter 409's ready to run. There's nothing better to clear the mind of all those daily stresses than to go out and do a few loops, barrel rolls, etc followed by a high speed break over the runway at home field ending in a squeaker landing that not only lets you survive to do it again later but even lets you re-use the airplane since it is still in one piece. Sad, but I'll get over it. Only two more airplanes to sell and I'm back into cars full time.

In Ol'Blue's memory here's a few pics:

351NA 001.jpgT28tus1.jpg.jpg351NA 1 004a.jpg351NA 1 018.jpg


Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Oh Bob......please note that yesterday was Cecil's birthday. Please change his profile to show that so we can harass him every year about how much older he is that the rest of us!!!!!!!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Damn, that's gorgeous! ...and a lot of work! I can see why you have mixed emotions.

Any videos with sound available anywhere?

What is the 2 remaining? Does that include the Navion or is it a keeper?


Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Congrats and Happy BDay!

We all feel for your loss but understand the decision to sell. I'm sure you have plenty of projects to line up now that you will be having more free time :).

Cheers! TomK


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
Happy birthday Cecil . That video looks like fun. I always thought that would be a not seem like work career. My uncle once took me and my cousin up in his private plane once and actually let me fly it once in the air for a while, I enjoyed the heck out of that.