NASCAR's Blunder

Junkman 104

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If he was so concerned about his character he would have apologized!!!!!! Like Jeff said he played the race card where there was no racism, tried to make sumptin out of nuffin.:doh
The bad thing is is everybody got behind him in solidarity without even asking any questions, does that mean everybody should take a knee regardless of what it stands for just to show them that they care? And what are they caring about? This is all disgusting and only happens when you look at anything other than the person the character the morality of one’s self. And evidently Bubba hasn’t looked in a mirror for a long time. I wonder what his father would say? it would be interesting to know if that’s how he was raised. Richard Petty please fire THIS moron who is only wanting attention. You have more integrity than to put up with this buffoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!:gaah :bricks


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Its time for that bus ride to back over there because its obvious they feel threatened & unsafe over here and it would be the best thing for them to ease the stress on their weary little noggins.



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Supporting Member 18
Bastards.:panWith the Hugh spike in Covid 19, I wonder, how many fans will be permitted, in tomorrow's race? :dunno2


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When you ask the question cant we all just get along, you have to keep something in mind. And that is some don't want to get along. Especially the people screaming for tolerance, unity, and peace. They claim they want to get along, and they will, as long as you agree 100% with their ideas, beliefs, morals, and political ideology. If not, they will yell, scream, cry, and ultimately become violent. The proof is all around you. So to answer your question, NO, we cannot all get along. And with that type of person, I don't want to.


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You're right Jeff and as long as there's a Libatard around they'll see to it that all in this Country remains divided so they can stay on track for there plan of global domination.



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The Bubba issue is one thing, but the other is Nascar itself. Wondering if everyone realizes that Nascar is now allowing Kneeling during the National Anthem? Then of course, no more Confederate Flag. And, check out their new association with this group:

They have gone Liberal flukey.

I'm done. Let the stands prove it to them. Can't wait till they open them wide open again.