RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg


Well Known Member
If you want to see everything, probably a day and a half or two days.

What you see today, isn't what you will see tomorrow. You really need to walk the place 2 or 3 times, because there is so much to see, and it is difficult to see everything. I have walked by stands 2 or 3 times, only to see something that I would want on the 4th trip by. You have to look front back, side, over, under, and even then you never know what you missed. I just don't stop at the guy that are set up like a store, because I know there are no bargains to be had there.


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Supporting Member 6
Fresh baked this morning, and half of them have already moved onto new homes.... View attachment 86802

You're a bad influence on me Junky now I want to make some molasses raison nut cookies. Your wife's chocolate chip cookies look real tasty but with these molasses cookies I can con myself into believing I'm eating something that's good for me.:D



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Supporting Member 6
This motorsickle swap meet I use to go to down in Springfield Ohio I use to get there when the sellers were setting up that I wasn't suppose to be doing because officially the meet wasn't open yet but what the hey ya snooze ya lose and this seller from Minnesota unloaded a complete Norton P 11 motor with trans and aluminum engine plates for $75 so it pays to get there early and break the rules.:D



Well Known Member
This motorsickle swap meet I use to go to down in Springfield Ohio I use to get there when the sellers were setting up that I wasn't suppose to be doing because officially the meet wasn't open yet but what the hey ya snooze ya lose and this seller from Minnesota unloaded a complete Norton P 11 motor with trans and aluminum engine plates for $75 so it pays to get there early and break the rules.:D

Ill buy that Norton setup for $85