The Donald.

Jeff Olson

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This is not an endorsement of the Donald.

It's a read that explains one view as to why Donald Trump is shaking things up. Here’s why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs:
Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few. And I know why. I wrote a book titled “The Murder of the Middle Class” about the unholy conspiracy between big government, big business, and liberal media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one. It's a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich — everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies.

But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. I’ve never seen them this outraged, this vicious, this motivated or this coordinated. Never in all my years in politics have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.
When white supremacist David Dukes ran for governor of Louisiana, even he wasn’t treated with this kind of outrage, vitriol, and disrespect. When a known fraud, scam artist and tax cheat like Al Sharpton ran for president, I never saw anything remotely close to this. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.
Why? Duke was never going to win. Sharpton was never going to win. Ron Paul was never going to win. Ross Perot was never going to win as a third-party candidate. Those candidates either didn’t have or couldn’t spare the billion dollars it takes to win the presidency. But Donald Trump can self-fund that amount tomorrow and still have another billion left over to pour into the last two-week stretch run before Election Day.
No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart. It's no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. No, this is a coordinated conspiracy led by President Barack Obama himself. Obama himself is making the phone calls and giving the orders; he’s the ultimate intimidator who plays by the rules of Chicago thug politics.
Why is this so important to Obama? It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the “old boys club.” They talk big, but in the end they won’t change a thing. Why? Because they are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations and multinational corporations like Big Pharma or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock and barrel by foreigners like George Soros, who owns Obama, or foreign governments that own Hillary with their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man — and only one man — who is not beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the Teachers Union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the bar association to fund his campaign.
Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help.

That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.

Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right?
Well, first, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed.

Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything. Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. Trust me: The NSA, the SEC, the IRS and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They know everything.

Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called “racists.” So they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment.
Fourth, why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a “good boy,” you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.

But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides — but not Trump.

Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; questioning why the border is wide open; questioning why no wall has been built across the border; questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes yet are not deported; and questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.

Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question.

I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion. Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. He will ask if Obama himself committed fraud when he said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”
Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election.
How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election? Obama, the multinational corporations and the media need to stop this. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant.

Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails, or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State, or for “misplacing”$6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi. The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama crime family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.

Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved — just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first day in the White House. Who knows what Trump will do on Day 2?

That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.


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My vote is for Trump. He's got the nut's to stand up to these fools, we can't afford another typical politician especially a democrat I think their scared $hitless !
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I don't think there is enough people that like Trump or take him serious enough for him to win. Ted Cruz seems like he'd stand up as needed. I'd bet on him.

1958 delivery

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Trump would do worst then the last two GOP candidates that flopped. The Dems are hoping he could win the nomination as a Republican. Trumps arrogance will drive out the Dem vote in droves since he is so hated, he would convert many moderate Republicans to vote the Dem ticket..

Ronnie Russell

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Mike, I totally disagree. Look at the Democrat base. Bernie draws 28,000 at a rally? What if Trump draws on the angry Dems.? My decision won't be made until after the final debate. I have no favorite at this time however, if Trump,s numbers go up instead of down..... Look out. Have you asked yourself this question? go back to the debate,,,, with all the major issues that needed to be discussed-- illegal immigration, middle east, far east, Russia, China, etc. why was the first question to Trump about old twitter battles concerning name calling? If a woman calls you a name, you can't call her a name because shes a woman? It would have been a fair question during an interview but the first question during a Presidential debate." Can he answer those charges, one by one, and explain in 60 seconds? Of course not, there is no way he could win that one. And now the words " where ever" means a female body part??? I love the way Trump has all the media in a mess. They have no idea what to do except attack and twist words. One thing is for sure,,,,, the next few weeks are going to be fun.

Dick MacKenzie

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Right now he appears to be the front runner. The liberals want him to loose the nomination knowing he will not commit to supporting the nominee and may run as an independent. Splitting the conservative vote and insuring a Democratic candidate win.

1958 delivery

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The GOP is on shaky ground, on the best day. Trump is making it easy for the Dems. Trump is so disliked with minorities and many liberals that many that wouldn't bother to vote would jump at the chance to vote against him, he is very hated among minorities and they out number you. GOP's only chance is to promote a relatively young, charismatic candidate. Bush could but his name is tainted, Rubio or Cruz could do well IF they have a well organized GOP backing, don't count on it happening.

Ronnie Russell

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A popular opinion however, so far everyones opinion has been wrong. Another possibility nobody believes............ Trump WINS !!!!!!:roll:roll

Fathead Racing

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Uninformed voters are the enemy. The presidential nomination and election has become a popularity contest. In the last two elections president Obama could have told America he was going to tear up the bill of rights and write his own and he would have still won. If The Donald gets the nod and wins the election he will never get anything through congress or the senate. Right now he gets his own way always because he's the boss. That will all change when he has to deal with embedded politicians. I like Carley Fiorina, Ted cruz, Rubio and Dr Carson. Not nessesarily in that order.

1958 delivery

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I generally dislike all politicians. At least all politicians we've had in the last 20 years and present. I disliked Trump before he ever said anything about running. He's a pompous, arrogant ass,WITH a dumb ass hair do. I will vote for which ever GOP candidate gets the nomination...except Trump.


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Obama sure gets stuff done without congress or senate. I just don't know if trump can be trusted. Lotta bad ideas in his past. Cruz & Carley my choice but will support whoever gets the nomination

Jeff Olson

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Unfortunately you are all right to an extent. I don't know that the Donald could win the nomination much less the Presidency without there being another civil war but it was an interesting read.
A President with common sense and a desire to bring America back from the brink is a fine start but until we can fix the mess we have on the Hill and change a very large portion of our population's mindset from "you owe me" to "maybe I should get off my ass and take care of myself" there doesn't appear to be a lot "change" on the horizon but I guess I can still "hope".

Iowa 409 Guy

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The Republican Party is a gutless, politically correct group of politicians, who are feeding at the trough supplied by the working subjects of this country. They have control of Congress and are too chickenshit to hold the liberal's balls to the fire.

I imagine behind the scenes the Republican elites are going to push Bush. That will be a sure win for the Dems. IMO.

I'm not endorsing Trump, but I believe he is a pompous, arrogant ass, with a dumb ass hairdo, as Mike says. But I think his business experience would be a good asset to this country. He also has the smarts to put good people in place to help him run the country if the gets the nod, unlike this diptard we have now.

And BTW, I did waste my vote for that squirrely little guy from Texas a few years ago. I was fed up then also.
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Donald Trump is not Presidential material. He is arrogant. Nasty. Obstinate. Bully. Narcissist. Egotistical. The list goes on and on. How long do you think any of his cabinet members would last?? Two hours maybe before they can't stand him anymore and quit. Do you think for one minute he is going to bully Putin who has KGB blood running through his veins. I doubt it very much. No, Trump is not the person you want leading this country with their finger on the button. If you think he really wants the Presidency, you're sadly mistaken. He wants what it represents and possibly can't have. He has bought everything else in life and this is his final frontier; the chase. The trophy. There is nothing left for him except this. He has turned off and soured the Latinos, veterans, and woman. What's left? The blacks. They wouldn't vote for him on their worse day. Someone should inform him that the people he alienates, represent a lot of votes. He never engages his peanut size brain before opening his big mouth. I forgot to mention, this guy is also very selfish and a whiner; cry baby. If he doesn't get the nomination or " isn't treated fairly", he has threatened to run as an independent. All that will do it take more votes away from an already shattered, skeletal GOP campaign. His strategy: my way or the highway. Whoever the Democratic candidate is, assuming its Hillary, if this guy gets the nomination, she doesn't have to campaign at all. Just sit back and watch this guy self destruct and destroy the GOP. I could go on and on, but I won't. I may very well be the only one who feels this way. If I could sum it up this way, Donald Trump is a fugitive clown from the Ringling Brothers Circus, Carmine.

Iowa 409 Guy

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Insert Obama for Trump in your post above............great description, and the masses voted for him....TWICE. Like I said, I'm not endorsing Trump. I do understand where you are coming from.
I've been trying to stay out/quit starting political conversations....not enough self control I guess.

Like most of us here, I have to listen to the candidates a lot more before I make a decision.

I predict the conservative party will implode again.
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