To all my democrat friends








Well Known Member
My prediction for Cuba. Its all a show concocted by the Cuban leadership. Biden will make some noises about freedum and inderendunce. Then he will give Cuban leadership $5,000,000,000. CNN, FB, TWITTER will be in awe of Bidens leadership.
The end.
Lord let's hope not!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
These idiots are just to much. They're looking for a new name for the Gypsy Moth I guess but they didn't say if it was the Gypsy's that were offended or if it was the Moth's.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 5
Just watched the Fox "Ingram Angle", where they talked about a movement in Canada to eliminate pickup trucks for the sake of global warming. The Fox people also discussed how that movement may transition to the States. These "woke" people have no clue how the world operates outside of their little sphere of fantasy land. Can you imagine a world where contractors, farmers, etc wouldn't be able to have a pickup truck to do their work? As one of the Fox talking heads said "they will have to pry my pickup truck from my cold dead hands"!

What a crock of BS!


Well Known Member
Wasnt it just a very short time ago New York Times and New York Post were gushing like little school girls about Andrew Cuomo? Now they refer to him as "Creepy". Why? What changed? DONT TELL ME THEY GOT MORALS!!
His "forced" resignation speech was hilarious.
Only thing that would have made it better is if he mentioned Biden's proclivities for sniffing little girls.