to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


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Get the broom....sweep under rug.

That's real rich! Rand Paul refers Fauci to one of the most corrupt outfits in the U.S. the Potato's DOJ! I'm sure they'll get right on it and that's right after the other most corrupt outfit gets off their lazy azz and investigates him!! NOT!!!!!!



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Supporting Member 6
I feel little pity on anyone from that group. They are responsible for forcing this crap on others so let's call it karma...

Since the Potato took office, I find that I no longer believe in 'Hello I'm from the Gubberment and I'm here to help'!!!!



Since the Potato took office, I find that I no longer believe in 'Hello I'm from the Gubberment and I'm here to help'!!!!

Especially since EVERYTHING the government gets involved in turns to crap! Yet every day they inch forward in trying to control every aspect of our lives! (and WE PAY THEM for it!) Somewhere we crossed a line from them working for us to them OWNING us!


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Supporting Member 6
Especially since EVERYTHING the government gets involved in turns to crap! Yet every day they inch forward in trying to control every aspect of our lives! (and WE PAY THEM for it!) Somewhere we crossed a line from them working for us to them OWNING us!

Thats what you call getting the bang for your buck Bob!! Only trouble is their bang hurts like !@#k!!!! :bat



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Well...its baaack !!! The "news" in communist Chicago is reporting an "uptick" in new variant. Colleges starting to mandate masks again. I had covid twice. But lets stop this bullshit before it grows legs and we have Biden campaigning from his basement again.


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If you have noticed, the term long Covid has become a bigger and bigger buzzword past year. This takes the place of the real cause of the death and disabilities from vax. Slight of hand, it can’t be vaccines, long Covid did it all.