Strike Today For Climate Change


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I heard that too. We have a very large clinic and research lab dedicated to autism. I am no expert in any way, however I am around these kids and adults on occasion. And I can honestly say, if she does, she has a very mild form as she is very high functioning. Either way, she and the adults that put her up to this and helped her write that garbage need to go away. Who stole her childhood? She is 16, most of her childhood is past. Based on her anger and words the only person who stole her childhood was herself and the adults around her.

Its the idiots that will benifit from the global warming hoax that paid for it.



antifa is just another failure of our government! What would our founding father do? Yep, they would blast their sorry asses right off the streets!

Why do we allow this domestic terrorism again??


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The gun activist Hoag and her will get married. What will their children be like?

Being I'm not a Zoologist I would hate to speculate on this however I do know its arms would look like toothpicks and of course it would be delivered brain dead just like the Fathers brain.:crazy


Junkman 104

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The kids a good speaker all though I doubt she's the author of this speech and I would really like to see her get her point across without the language there's just to much of that being used from the younger crowd. And it does seem like she was paying attention wherever she got her edjamacation.
