2012 Fred Totten Memorial 409 Shootout.

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Clyde & Ellen, so glad you made it home OK. You two take good care of each other. :hug



Well Known Member
Well I see the results somewhat posted, but as a diehard like myself... Where are the numbers? What kinds of times and speeds were these old engines turning?


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Because of the cross winds that day they cut the 1/4 mi down to an 1/8 mi


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When you think about it, we were lucky to get one good day of racing in. We were right in the path of a major storm system.
I don't mind the 1/8th mile racing except that it's hard to relate to the numbers when you're used to running quarter mile times.:scratch
My 55 Chevy ran a 6.42 which would have been about 10.17 in the quarter. My former best was a 10.19 so I was happy.:D

The track prep was good. The four speed guys were really hooking!
I saw Dave Mills do a monster wheelie while I was driving up the return road. Someone said he lifted the wheels in three gears. I'm hoping someone caught that on video.:beer
Check out Dyno Ray and Good ol' Mr Reynolds in this link...


Well Known Member
Awesome! Sounds like something is better than sitting in a rain out. Shame about the winds. We would have loved to attend, but our last pass of last year netted a broken valve spring. We had planned changes as well and the engine just isn't together yet.

Dick MacKenzie

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Supporting Member 9

Love that car Brian!! Really looking good at Thompson!! The clutch thing will come.



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Got the motor out of the car yesterday. Are there supposed to be parts of the cam in the oil pan.
The oil pan looks like a python that swallowed a pig that swallowed a hand grenade. Life aint easy for a boy named Bo.


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Supporting Member 6
Sorry to hear the news Bo. I guess when you break something you go all out.Great seeing you again next time we gotta line up the two 63's together

Barry Taylor

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My son Blake and myself really had a great time this year despite the weather on Friday. This was Blakes first shootout because he dosen't normally get out of school until thursday of the week we leave so we pulled some strings this year and got him out on Wed. this year. We still didn't get in till Friday morning due to two blowouts on the trailer before we got to Nashville. The trailer has 5 new tires now. I got to meet a lot of new people and still missed seeing others I wanted to meet. Clyde, my heart goes out to you and your wife. I'm glad you made it home ok. Bill "Nuts and wife" great to see ya'll, and make it home safe. Don Jacks I wish I would have had more time to visit with you more. Carl Bucks took a most deserving peoples choice award home. Alan George, what can I say on your Most Deserved best reaction time award but" Damnit" which by the way It says on my timeslip it was a .5078 Congrats to Jim on his SO1 win and to Brian Fugate on the overall Win. It Was Fun. Looking forward to next year. Barry Taylor

Fathead Racing

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Supporting Member 7
My son Blake and myself really had a great time this year despite the weather on Friday. This was Blakes first shootout because he dosen't normally get out of school until thursday of the week we leave so we pulled some strings this year and got him out on Wed. this year. We still didn't get in till Friday morning due to two blowouts on the trailer before we got to Nashville. The trailer has 5 new tires now. I got to meet a lot of new people and still missed seeing others I wanted to meet. Clyde, my heart goes out to you and your wife. I'm glad you made it home ok. Bill "Nuts and wife" great to see ya'll, and make it home safe. Don Jacks I wish I would have had more time to visit with you more. Carl Bucks took a most deserving peoples choice award home. Alan George, what can I say on your Most Deserved best reaction time award but" Damnit" which by the way It says on my timeslip it was a .5078 Congrats to Jim on his SO1 win and to Brian Fugate on the overall Win. It Was Fun. Looking forward to next year. Barry Taylor

Barry, I'm sorry that I didn't get back to you on the tires. After finding out I had water in # 4 cylinder it kinda took the starch out'a me.

Barry Taylor

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Supporting Member 3
Ray, not a problem. I thought for a while Happy Hour was going to start early for me. It just died after the burnout and would not restart. Towed it back to the pits and Ronnie came over said a few words, pulled a plug wire of and back on again, and Wala She started right up. The man is miracle worker. I know those tires were the last thing on your mind. Barry

Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
:hugThank you for the kind words BT.Hopefully next year we can spend more time together,and that includes all I met,and those who I didnt.Donnie,best of luck on your new blower motor,and Ray,I just hope your engine isnt seriously hut.