2nd Amendment Attack Continues


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Supporting Member 6
Now here's a flabbergaster for you, I hope they vote Chiptooth out for Director of the ATF tomorrow and now they need to get rid of Garland could you just imagine if he would have made it as a Supreme Court judge?



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Supporting Member 6
It would seem that ole Chipman's hearing was delayed for today because it seems he went and lost one of his firearms when he was a ATF agent so I guess it will be next week. Not only is the ATF looking at these pistol braces but they're also looking at reclassifying receivers now I don't know if this just for AR's or all semi-automatics because they have been talking about all semi=automatics in the past.



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Supporting Member 3
Wait until the demorats get rid of the filibuster, then they will go wild trying to destroy the USA


We never should have accepted this stolen election and ousted ALL the criminal democrats! Our forefathers wouldn't have sat by!!!!! Today, nobody wants to be bothered, too much work.

Government has been allowed to get too large and corrupt and now there is no way of stopping it.


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Supporting Member 6
Is your State or County a Sanctuary for the 2nd amendment yet ? Ohio's working on it and I think some County's already are.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
There negotiating in DC about changing the background check system and this other video called Jamie's law or something wanting us to register our ammunition's and hand guns and you'll have to be the Pope or at least friends with him anyway!
