2nd Amendment Attack Continues


Youtube or as I like to refer to them NAZI tube would need little incentive to pull them. They are owned by google so are liberal up the waazoo!

Wouldn't it be neat if google and similar outfits were broken up into little tiny pieces?? It is a problem that NEEDS to be addressed!


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Youtube or as I like to refer to them NAZI tube would need little incentive to pull them. They are owned by google so are liberal up the waazoo!

Wouldn't it be neat if google and similar outfits were broken up into little tiny pieces?? It is a problem that NEEDS to be addressed!

You can add Disney to your list Bob they're getting as bad as Ma Bell was before they broke them up, and they don't come anymore far left than Disney!



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Hey men do you realize that that gun manufacturers were using cruel practices to dupe you into buying their products all along?



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Supporting Member 6
Here's Juan (Fox News fired me) Williams everybody's flavorite mix breed Dik Head bloviating again. Here's where the crime really is, I would just like to know who keeps dropping the DemoRats on their heads to get their po little pea brains all messed up they were already operating with a disadvantage before they got dropped on their noggins!
