Firewall marking`s


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So if I subscribe to all of the most likely threads to have hate and discontent will the email still show what was there before the editing takes place?


I'd like to remind a few members here that this board is to help others, not harrass them. If you have nothing worthwhile to offer to someone's post, don't reply to it.

I think if the tables were turned and someone kept making remarks against you, (with 10 others backing them all the time) you'd be damn glad someone edited them out too. A few here are acting like bullies at a school yard.

I'm also seeing some comments about the fact that I edited some replies. That's one of my jobs here, get used to it. If you can't handle that fact, maybe you should be more careful of your comments. Just be glad I edited them instead of temporarily banning some members who obviously didn't get the message from last time. Editing posts is not something I like to do but it will be done when needed.

If you have a problem with someone, keep it off the board. This type of behavior won't be allowed. If you can't play well with others, you won't be here much longer.

I've tried every subtle way of putting this last time but I guess next time it happens, some temporary bans will have to be given. I've wasted way too much time on this from last time and I won't waste anymore.

Like it or hate it, that's the rules...



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chevymusclecars said:
So if I subscribe to all of the most likely threads to have hate and discontent will the email still show what was there before the editing takes place?

Sorry Chevy, I think your out of luck on this one. Things move fast around here and you really need to pay attention to remain on the cutting edge. Have a great day... :?


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jester said:
Sorry Chevy, I think your out of luck on this one. Things move fast around here and you really need to pay attention to remain on the cutting edge.

Kinda like the Gong Show


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walkerheaders said:
jester said:
Sorry Chevy, I think your out of luck on this one. Things move fast around here and you really need to pay attention to remain on the cutting edge.

Kinda like the Gong Show
Now you behave Mr. Walker. I need to distance myself from you. When that lightning bolt strikes you I don't want to be standing with you, let alone, holding your hand... :takethat :roll Have a great day...


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Isn't the Gong show the one where they used the hook to pull people off stage, I can see some similarity. I think this is the part where they pulled back the hammer in anticipation of what was about to happen.


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chevymusclecars said:
Isn't the Gong show the one where they used the hook to pull people off stage, I can see some similarity. I think this is the part where they pulled back the hammer in anticipation of what was about to happen.

It's gone way beyond the hammer stage. That bullet is traveling down the barrel !


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Ya know,,,, If I`m included as being a bully then so be it,,,

I call BS when it`s BS !!

For all you that missed my deleted post it was as follows,,,,

Yep,,, That`s him

Bob, I think I`v e been very good and restrained in what I reply to 63 Belair.
Although his foul mouthed replys are the ones that need to be deleted and should be.
It seems that he is the one that needs to keep his kool and be staight with us.
The foul language he uses should be case enough for "some temporary bans"

This is not to PROVOKE 63 Belair,,, This is in reply to your post and only that.
If I am to be accused of "harrassment" I think what I posted and was deleted needs to be VIEWED ,,,, dq


The only time Chevy_belair responds with foul language is when you guys start ganging up on him and I can't say I blame him. He did nothing to deserve any of the BS treatment he got since he first came here.

What exactly is the problem with you guys anyway??? I can't believe the way some of you are acting. DQ, your post offered nothing but to side up with the rest of the bullies. Posting the laughing smilie and saying "yep, that's him" is only adding to the problem, not helping.

I've got better things to do than edit posts and give explainations all the time. Anyone that can't follow the rules or is offended by me enforcing them can leave right now. I'm really getting fed up with explaining this over and over. Am I pissing anyone off? Probably, but odds are it's just the ones causing this problem anyway.

Rule #1: Treat others with respect. (This is really the only rule we have)

This is the very last time I'm explaining this. The next person to break rule #1 (primarily with this same member) gets banned for 2 weeks. If it happens again after that, it's a permanent ban with no coming back.


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Bob, Just to clarify things ,,, It`s OK to post foul language and outburst, and not get sanctioned ?

But if you poke a little fun at a guy thats full of crap you get sent to the showers for two weeks because you posted the :roll guy ?

There were many a time I was writing a reply to 63 COPO when I restrained myself and deleted it before hitting the "Post" button.

Geezzz, I was going to "not post " this ,,,, but what the hay,,,

Not to worry,,,, I was suspended from school many times before I dropped out,,, dq`ed :brow



This is way beyond poking fun at him. You might be having fun but do you think he is? There have been a few of you here that have been attacking him since he signed up. This isn't the place for this. It was plainly obvious to me back when it started that some of you were trying to provoke him in hopes he'd do something wrong so that I'd ban him.

You guys would be happy if I banned him? What would be the reason? For something that happened on another site? Or just because you felt like it or don't like him? How about if I pick about 20 members and ban them just because I feel like it? I'm trying to do the right thing here and give everyone the same chance.

I cannot believe that some of you would rather break the rules of this forum just to get this guy in trouble. Is it worth losing your place here?

I would like you or any of the members here to go back in this thread and show me where he did or said something to deserve the smart assed comments he got. If you look, you will see there was nothing just like the other 2 threads from a while back, he was only asking some questions. I thought that's what we are here for.

It doesn't matter what anyone does on some other website. What matters to me is how they act here. So far, all he did was to defend himself against things that shouldn't have ever been said.


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bobs409 said:

. So far, all he did was to defend himself against things that shouldn't have ever been said.

Defend himself?? Defend himself against what? A laughing smilley??? :dunno

Now that`s funny !!!! :roll :roll

Call it what you will but did he break a rule buy using obscene language?
Should he not follow the rules also? Even if he thinks he is being harrassedthere is no need for the language he has used over and over.

I can`t see where one member asks if "he`s the one with the 700 HP 327"
AS STATED BY 63 BELAIR HIMSELF,,,, and that question is answered by me "Yep,,,, he`s the one" :roll is harassment.

In my opinion when a person has been pushed from several other forums by those members for BSing and trying to do a fraudulent build sheet then joins this forum to do the same,, as he did in the beginning, he needs to be called on it.

As I said before ,,I have been carefull in how I reply to his posts as have others but I don`t think my reply to him in this thread was harassament or deserved to be replied back with vulgar laden language.

We have all laughed at each other at some point without lashing back with vulgar language.

If you believe that he is right in doing so, so be it.

But my post was not out of line and I`ll stand by that. ,,, dq

PS, Bob, I`m leaving this alone as of this post to curb this problem.
I`ve stated my position and that should be enough,,,


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Bob, do you see copies of PMs sent by members? If you don't, I think we can send you some copies that might open your eyes.


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Fred, I edited my post with the PS. I don`t think that is necessary,,, lets drop it and move on,,, thanks anyway,,,dq


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yea sure im making a fake broadcast sheet and going to pass it off as orignal by asking for the codes i want to make the fake one. yea right use some common sense no one will ask for codes cause then like how you are now taking and accusing me of making a fake one will happen no matter what. but guess i should just get rid of the build sheets i have cause you already think their fakes anyways when all im tring to do is do research.


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Mr. Belair, You can put an end to all the doubts by simply posting a picture as we`ve asked many times.
Seems every time you claim something about your car and we ask about it there is never any follow up from your end.

It`s as simple as backing up what you claim. No more no less.

Thank you for not swearing ,,, dq


Well Known Member
well i got a life i dont hang on the computer all the time. im still tring to get the frontend back together that i started last summer. Still waiting on some parts also. and now i need to wait for a good day so i can respray the fan shrould so i can reinstall that before i install the driverside wheel well before i can put the a-frames back on that side. When i get around to it i will. also if i wanted to make a fake i could use the ones listed in the picture section cause thats be the way a real cloner would go bout things and not even mention a thing about it.