Gonna miss you guys.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11
Sounds like a fun trip, if you get drunk enough you can sleep through the flight !!! :drinking

Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
As of now we finally get on the plane and guess what? They broke something in the baggage compartment and that will take an hour to fix! F$&k me!


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
Jeff when you get to the Arizona memorial take notice of the oil still coming to the surface from the ship. Lot's to see there . I had two uncle's that survived pearl harbor bombing {brother's} they jumped off ship and swam to shore, very lucky. I know i enjoyed it ,would go back just for the weather!!!!!:clap:clap
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Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Visiting the Memorial really make you think doesn't it Jeff?

You can watch documentaries or look at pictures but until you visit the memorial in person you really don't get the true meaning of that chapter in our history. Over the past decade or so there have been many sailors whose last wishes were to be cremated and their ashes laid to rest with their buddies on the Arizona so they now have an annual ceremony to do just that.
An amazing and very humbling experience.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Still leaking oil too.
When I was stationed there in 71-73 we flew weekly patrols over Pearl Harbor to check on the oil plume.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
I often wondered about the bodies inside the Arizona.
There was a great debate about this following December 7th. The Army wanted to make the effort to account for all of the bodies in general whereas the Navy was more concerned with not loosing any more sailors. Conditions inside the Arizona were incredibly dangerous. The stern was intact but the forward half of the ship was not. It was a jumble of jagged metal and slag, all of which could tangle and cut the air hoses and divers. The fuel oil cells had ruptured and the interior was awash in oil, making each dive almost completely blacked out. It's amazing that the Navy didn't lose more divers than they did.

If you read Edward C. Raymer's "Descent Into Darkness" you will come across a passage that describes an attempt to recover bodies from the Arizona. The bodies were badly decomposed and the divers had to haul them out of the ship one at a time and cast them to the surface where they were hauled up and placed in body bags. Their bodies were bloated and skin would slough off when handled. Many, if not most of the bodies were never identified due to the state of decomposition. Several crew members "fed the fishes" repeatedly due to the grisly nature of the work.

The Navy's position, and the Army's too after this one or two day attempt, was that it was far more dignified to leave the crew entombed in the ship. No serious attempt was ever planned for the Arizona and so there was no need to recover the bodies. At most, it was thought to raise the stern, but even this proved to be far more dangerous and expensive than it was worth. Mariner's have had a tradition of burial at sea, and leaving those entombed inside Arizona to be fits with the traditions of not only the US Navy, but that of sailors the world over.

Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Still leaking oil too.
When I was stationed there in 71-73 we flew weekly patrols over Pearl Harbor to check on the oil plume.

That it is, when we were looking out over the ship there was very little oil sheen on the water and then a bubble of black oil came to the surface and spread out over the water. Gave me a chill.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
That it is, when we were looking out over the ship there was very little oil sheen on the water and then a bubble of black oil came to the surface and spread out over the water. Gave me a chill.

Can't believe the huggers haven't put a stop to that. That little bubble of oil will be coming to the surface long after all of us are gone........................I sure hope people remember what sacrifices have been made to keep this great country free.....:mad3:mad3:mad3