Time for gun control

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Since when did the NRA ever sanction lawlessness? They are comprised of LAW ABIDING gun owners. I've been a member for 10 or so years. We deplore criminality, we despise gun crime, we support law enforcement, we fight the liberals trying to destroy what we believe in, and we stand up both for and to the rule of law. This leftist cesspool evidently has been simmering against the NRA and organized firearms owners for a long time. It appears they came out with a national program to discredit the NRA for a long time, and they were waiting for an excuse like this to smear all of us like they have. What they have no excuse for is that the criminal element of deplorables they strive to protect are the true perpetrators of gun violence. Gang shootings couldn't exist without unlawful use of firearms. Armed robberies couldn't happen without illegal gun usage. Drive by shootings couldn't happen without something to shoot somebody with. That's who shouldn't have guns. It's a liberal triumph and a national disgrace that we need guns in our homes and businesses to rout crime and to sometimes simply stay alive. Do you see liberals rising to the occasion to improve anything? I feel that if you commit certain crimes, if you ever get out of prison, you should be forever banned from owning a gun, voting,being in the military, having any kind of security clearance, any kind of civil service employment,and because you committed a felony, you will have a diminished role in society. You should have to live with the consequences of your actions,because nobody else should have to live with the consequence of your actions. Too many good people already do.


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Supporting Member 5
I am pretty much in the same boat as Greg, I'm a long-time member. I would have liked the NRA to do a better job, however, of articulating the positions of legal gun owners and poking the obvious holes in many of these stupid arguments that are being made. The NRA has done a lot of good things that have been swept away in this "villainization" program.

It's strange that semi-automatic weapons have been around for over 100 years, and the AR "platform" was developed in the late 50s, almost 60 years ago. Yet, these mass shooting problems are much more recent. To a logical person, this might indicate that something else has changed to fuel this problem. You can fill in the blanks; everyone has a partial explanation, and many of them make sense. Based on what I see, many young males have no idea how to be a man. They have been incubated by TV, video games, Hollywood, broken families, drugs, social media and welfare states to the extent that they are clueless. A few authors have written very insightful books on this topic and say it a lot better than I can.

So punishing legal gun owners will only make things worse, if we continue to crank out generations of zombies.

Just my .02.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
This hogg kid looks like a leftist plant. He emerged rather suddenly and seemed too well organized for no older or smarter than he is. I totally feel some people should never have a gun. Some people should never have a car. Some people just can't cut it in real life. If he wants to stop the proliferation of gun violence, let's disarm every gang member in Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, New York, and any where else. Let's eliminate every rapist, child molester, armed robber and criminal wherever they are found.Go tell them that you are there to take their guns and order them to hand them over. When you get done doing that, then the rest of us can have a safer America. In your dreams, punk!
Mr. Reimer, I could not agree more with your narrative, but your experience that a conversation with a liberal will be fact based has never happened to me. It never fails when I get into a conversation with a liberal it turns into them shouting emotions and calling me ugly (or some stupid personal attack). I always end with a simple conclusion (and a pissed-off liberal) "Please do not bother a liberal with facts - they have emotions to scream about.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
I was merely being sarcastic. You know what a racist is? Someone who hands down won an intelligent debate with a liberal. The reason they lose is because they run out of intelligence or rationale just after the debate starts, while the conservative is just getting started. It must be rough being a constant chronic loser. That's why they turn it to emotions.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Mr. Reimer, I could not agree more with your narrative, but your experience that a conversation with a liberal will be fact based has never happened to me. It never fails when I get into a conversation with a liberal it turns into them shouting emotions and calling me ugly (or some stupid personal attack). I always end with a simple conclusion (and a pissed-off liberal) "Please do not bother a liberal with facts - they have emotions to scream about.
Symbolism over Substance. It's all about knee jerk reactions, social media insanity, name calling, hate and violence. Like a child when they don't get their way. They just throw a tamptrun.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Possibly the young people of this nation should read some facts and not be led around by the nose by the libs.

School Shootings in the United States:

During the period July, 1764 - March 20, 2018 there were total of 592 deaths and 857 injuries from school shootings for all K-12 public & private schools, colleges, and universities. i

According to the National Safety Council:
Eleven teenagers die every day in car accidents involving cell phones…..660 teens killed every two months while texting or checking social media. ii, iii.

More Teens have been killed in the past two months from cell phone use than all killed in school shootings in past 254 years.

For those dedicated to saving our youth:
Let's work on banning teens from owning cell phones, rather than try to make a piece of metal and plastic the boogeyman. If firearm owners marched against teens owning cell phones, would the Tide Pod eaters even comprehend why?

i. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
List of school shootings in the United States lists in chronology and provides additional details of incidents in which a firearm was discharged at a school ...

ii. https://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/cause-of-accident/cell-phone/cell-phone-statistics.html
iii. http://www.nsc.org/learn/NSC-Initiatives/Pages/distracted-driving-research-studies.aspx

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member