Trump on hot seat????


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Hi everyone. That was the lead in statement to a news item this morning. It appears that President Trump wanted Hillary Clinton and James Comey, prosecuted for potential crimes. So, forgive me for asking and showing my ignorance, but what is so wrong with that?? Isn't that what the judicial system is suppose to do. Investigate. Present to a grand jury. Hopefully indict and then prosecute. They continue to find fault with everything this guy does. It gets ridiculous after a while. All this does in my opinion, is make him stronger, Carmine.


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According to the fake news every day since Trump was inaugurated should have been his last. They want to see him perp walked out of the White House with cuffs on. That is why they are literaly insane with the hate and garbage they spew at him. Of course they are not really angry at Trump, they are angry at us for voting for him and are doing their best to relegate us to a permanent minority. If you keep that in mind when reading the daily headlines you will have a much easier time getting through the day.


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Nothing, will Ever, happen to Hitlary. :dunno2When the time comes, that she is no longer useful, for the Deep State, they will let her have a terrible accident.:applToo bad, it can't be sooner than later.:rolleyes


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The fix is/has been in for some time no one ever had any intention of putting her away. In a somewhat honest country right after they discovered her illegal server and then found out what was on her servers that ole bag should have been put behind bars so fast that her head would have fallen off. Its to late now the Repubeicans couldn't do anything when they had control now that they lost the house you might as well forget about it.



Well we still have the house for a little while. Trump gave a speech somewhere I think yesterday and he mentioned if the DOJ & FBI doesn't start looking into this or he will have to step in! WOW!!!

I'll see if I can find the video... :read


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I was never a political guy I really didn’t pick sides I just wanted the best man for the job! But after this election I will always be republican!! The democrats have not stopped since he announced he was running all because he questioned Obama’s birth place! Worst president in USA history and probably was not a citizen lmao! The good news is 2020 trump will win again!!! MAGA


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If Trump does Bob and he makes an honest effort all's I can say is the $hit will hit the proverbial Libatard fan as in like we ain't seen nothing yet the crying will be nonstop. We might even find out who the moles are who are working inside for Trump organization.



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Hi everyone. It appears that President Trump wanted Hillary Clinton and James Comey, prosecuted for potential crimes. So, forgive me for asking and showing my ignorance, but what is so wrong with that?? Isn't that what the judicial system is suppose to do. Investigate. Present to a grand jury. Hopefully indict and then prosecute.

This is exactly why Nixon was impeached. Nixon abused the powers of the presidency either by using or trying to use federal investigative agencies against his political enemies or by interfering or trying to interfere with lawful investigations by those agencies into his own wrongdoing or that of his subordinates. Congress, let alone the DOJ, spent more time investigating Hillary over Benghazi, her emails, the Uranium One sale than Congress spent investigating 9/11, Watergate and others. Even the Trey Gowdy admitted the investigations were nothing more than an attempt to keep a negative spotlight on Clinton. So, Trump's call for additional investigations as seen as nothing more than a political stunt and a misuse and abuse of his powers and given Nixon's precedent it is an impeachable offense.


Well Known Member
So by your reasoning Barrack Obama should be brought up on charges for spying on an opposing parties presidential nominee, planting informants and creating fake intelligence in the form of a democratic funded dossier? Because that is what happened leading up to and after the 2016 election. Trump thinking about something and actually taking action on it is two different things... the entire news media has been saying Trump wants to fire Bob Mueller since the special counsel was appointed and yet, Mueller and his team of democrat activist investigators are still there with no mandate, just making up crimes to charge people with and investigating Trumps personal finances. Which by the way has nothing to do with the mandate of the original special counsel. In fact DOJ statute specifically states that there must be a specific crime in order for a special counsel to be appointed. Alleged collusion is not a crime! If it was the Obama administration would be just as guilty as the Russians, no one seemed to care when he sent his leftist cronies over to Isreal to try and swing the election away from Benjamin Netanyahu in 2014...


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So by your reasoning Barrack Obama should be brought up on charges for spying on an opposing parties presidential nominee, planting informants and creating fake intelligence in the form of a democratic funded dossier? Because that is what happened leading up to and after the 2016 election. Trump thinking about something and actually taking action on it is two different things... the entire news media has been saying Trump wants to fire Bob Mueller since the special counsel was appointed and yet, Mueller and his team of democrat activist investigators are still there with no mandate, just making up crimes to charge people with and investigating Trumps personal finances. Which by the way has nothing to do with the mandate of the original special counsel. In fact DOJ statute specifically states that there must be a specific crime in order for a special counsel to be appointed. Alleged collusion is not a crime! If it was the Obama administration would be just as guilty as the Russians, no one seemed to care when he sent his leftist cronies over to Isreal to try and swing the election away from Benjamin Netanyahu in 2014...

Wasn't my reasoning or an opinion by me. I took this quote, "Nixon abused the powers of the presidency either by using or trying to use federal investigative agencies against his political enemies or by interfering or trying to interfere with lawful investigations by those agencies into his own wrongdoing or that of his subordinates. " from the Nixon impeachment papers. I was making an attempt to answer the original post.


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In re. to President Nixon, the Watergate scandal and his impeachment, I recently finished reading a book about all that. I know there are alot of books and authors out there about this issue, we can believe what we want, but I really don't think Nixon should have resigned. From what I recall reading, his biggest liability was the coverup after he was advised of what happened He had no part in the planning. Of course, he should have been honest. We all know he was impeached by the House, but would he have been removed by the democratic Senate?? Were the votes for removal there?? Apparently, he felt they were so he resigned in disgrace. I agree with the author of my book. He was given bad legal advice. Should have stayed in office and fought it. No POTUS, has ever been removed from office, in the history of this nation, and I don't think Nixon would have been first. If the new House in 2019, think they are going to impeach and remove, via the Senate, President Trump, they are dreamers. They've been touching themselves again. Just my opinion, Carmine.


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Carmine, which book were you reading that lead to that conclusion? I thought the "Smoking Gun Tape" basically obliterated any support he had in the House and the Senate and his trusted allies in the Senate told him there weren't enough Senate votes for acquittal.



Well Known Member
The American people know Hillary is American organized crime.Shaking there heads why is this person still living!This election year,alot of people switched parties,couldnt believe how crooked the dumbocrats really are.The Americans want change,they are starting by voting the trash out.Every day the dumbocrats post garbage to save themselves,which helps the new American move.


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Carmine, which book were you reading that lead to that conclusion? I thought the "Smoking Gun Tape" basically obliterated any support he had in the House and the Senate and his trusted allies in the Senate told him there weren't enough Senate votes for acquittal.

I don't recall the name or author, but it was about a year ago or so that I read it. Got it at Barnes and Noble. I might have loaned it out, but I'll check downstairs for it. I know from what the author presented, I agreed with him that he should have fought it out. I know that's a rare conclusion, but I don't recall even collectively, enough evidence to remove him. I think he got some sincere, but bad legal advice. I would have rather gone down fighting and denying my guilt, telling them to prove it, then to resign with the shame he did, Carmine.