After Harris/Biden inauguration


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Pedojoe is just a puppet---they have to pump him full of drugs to do anything, hes not running the show, china and the radical demorats are


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Supporting Member 3
i think they might keep him around till after the midterms in 2 years--they can still fool a lot of stupid demorats into voting for the-remember its "just Joe', just your average guy, not the swamp rat, pedofile, china loving creep he is.........Even if he dies before that, they can hide it from the american public--they are good at that


Well Known Member
In retrospect it seems like a great idea that Joe sits around waiting for Tiegens next Tweet. Maybe if shes lucky Ol' Joe will invite them to the white (is that racist?) House where Tiegans little kids can hang out with Joe.


Well Known Member
Media and Liberal Govt going after so many people who supported Trump. Purges have begun. They will work their way down. No free political speech or thoughts allowed or they will find you.


Well Known Member
I know! I know! Let's call the White House the "Rainbow House" or "House of Color." Next, we call each other "comrade." Then, give everyone everything they want and forgive every loan, everywhere. Importantly, free medical care from birth to grave will relieve the stress of seeking treatment; we will use the Chinese Model. Next, we have unlimited, open borders, welcoming new voters and endless supplies of drugs; we will use the Escobar Model. We defund the police and confiscate all guns, knives and hammers to prevent crime, in order to have a harmonious relationship between the law and the lawless; we will use the Nazi Model. Since we will be universally admired for our Avant-garde thinking, all nations will respect us. Therefore, no military is needed; we will use the Somali Model. Think of the savings that can be redirected to funding newly arrived immigrants and the elimination of bias among the troops. We nationalize big farms and confiscate production machinery to be distributed to urban dwellers for fair acreage distribution and to grow victory gardens; we will use the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Model. Next, we shut down all fossil fuel importation and production to save the planet--sunshine and wind will supply all energy requirements; we will use the Alexandria Ocassio Cortez (AOC) Model.

As a result, we will have complete diversity; work-free, worry-free environment with no racism, bigotry or prejudice and no political strife.

Oh, wait! Holy shit, who is going to work to pay for all this? :yikes:yikes


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Democrats are now using the word “equity” in almost everything they say and Biden’s executive orders. Don’t say what it means to them, but want the common people to think it’s the same as “equality”. They are not!




Well Known Member
There were no mass shootings during Trumps years. Not 3 weeks into Biden there is a mass shooting at a health care facility. Ive noticed over the years these shooting occur with a pattern. At post offices, at schools, at malls....not randomly but in a "Type" of place. If something is not random then it is planned by definition. Ask yourself, who benefits from mass shootings. Watch for next event.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
There were no mass shootings during Trumps years. Not 3 weeks into Biden there is a mass shooting at a health care facility. Ive noticed over the years these shooting occur with a pattern. At post offices, at schools, at malls....not randomly but in a "Type" of place. If something is not random then it is planned by definition. Ask yourself, who benefits from mass shootings. Watch for next event.

People with an agenda benefit from mass shootings aka opponents of the 2nd amendment and the manufacture of firearms! And having to go through the last 4 years of listening to the Rats rhetoric is enough to drive people insane!!!
