Alexandria Ocasio Cortez




All those poor liberal late night comics. I bet it's just killing them not being able to use this great source of jokes. She practically writes them herself! :roll

Well, back to Russia / Trump jokes losers... :mock


Wow guys, I stumbled into a channel on youtube where people actually think this woman in intelligent! This in no joke! They praised the hell out of her and of course had nothing nice to say about Trump and republicans. Ya know, it's only a matter of time for this country... We make jokes but there are WAY TOO many nut jobs in this country voting for people like this and the list is growing. Hopefully I won't see it in my life time but scary stuff.

Sorry to be a downer but I'm just blown away right now...


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Most of her supporters probably work in the minimum wage fast food industry at least the ones that do work and there's those that's already on the gravy train so a Socialist looks pretty good to them, free is good!! If Hitlery doesn't run in 2020 I think ole Bernie might be a big threat unless Hitlery is still trying to bust his balls.
