Only in Chicago


True? False? I guess we'll be supporting them till the grave! Something not being mentioned is that these "illegals" will most likely breed like rabbits! We will get to support them from the cradle to the grave. Why are these people here? Simple, it's democrats BUYING votes!!!



:roll Sad thing is our government will probably give them free heated apartments to live in. Just keep sending in those tax dollars folks!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
I remember when the Soviet Union collapsed. I laughed because a lot of their problem was spending on military against the West. Then of course all the other stupidity that go along with socialism and communism. I guess it's our turn now. We are spending our country into a Soviet Union and or a third world country. Freebees for lazy uneducated deadbeat Americans, unnecessary social programs for lazy uneducated deadbeat Americans, a ridiculously and ignorant fast move towards alternative fuels ( which eventually we will need ) instead of moderately approaching the change effecting the economy, and now massive spending in most states for immigration. No country, including the US can sustain this type of spending, debt, and ignorance indefinitely. Yet, they vote. Then they whine about the situations caused by their vote. So they vote the same, on both sides, and nothing changes except the worsening of the situations. They say there are only 2 things guaranteed in life, death and taxes. I would submit that it's death, taxes, and stupidity. Good job America :good


Well Known Member
Our national debt is now over $33,000,000,000,000,000. Folks, that is 33 trillion dollars! To pay the interest on that debt, the taxpayer shells out $687,000,000,000 per year! Think that is mind boggling, the government is borrowing over $1.2,000,000,000,000,000 more, per year, than it is taking in (taxes, fees, etc.). The Democrats have reversed their mantra of "tax and spend" to "spend first and try to tax our way out of the sewer." It has not and will not work. There can never be a balanced budget and there cannot ever be a reduction in the national debt, when we are borrowing over a trillion dollars more per year, every year. Servicing the debt is fast approaching the monetary requirement for the entire U.S. defense budget.

Our balance of trade with China is a minus $600,000,000,000,000 per year and nobody gives a rusty rat's ass! We are paying the Chinese to run amok over us in every category!

We can kick the financial can down the road to let our kids and grandkids work out how to solve this suicidal "lemmings-over-the-cliff" stupidity. But, when the axe falls, the U.S. will be just another pathetic, groveling Russia-- rusting, rotting and unable to be any kind of world power; begging shitholes like N. Korea and Iran to bail us out.

Biden is the most inept and most incompetent doofus to ever grace the White House. His "Bidenomics" is an utter failure. He has not an iota of economic sense. We are getting ourselves into some really deep shit, allowing this empty-headed court jester to stay in office.