to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


Well Known Member
there was (and remains) evil intent with bioweapons.
Our military intel folks knew about the lab leak no later than May '20. They know the name of the CCP operative who erred (and they believe it was sincerely an error) in the handling protocol and took the virus to the now infamous wet market.
what I've not heard and was hoping Stossell might get there in this clip ...
US Military Intel also had high confidence basis for recognizing the virus was to be deployed at 5 of the US major airports ... in May '20. 5 months before early voting.
recall that in this period the "kooks" were citing the lab leak in Wuhan ... they were being excoriated. Also, a who's who list of democrats were screaming for universal mail in ballots --- a month/so before the party conventions (boondoggles)
So ... not only was our govt aware, there were significant elements INVOLVED.
As Stossel shows, Fauchi was involved in the funding .... but it seems clear from the timing of the calls for mail-in ballots ... some even were involved in the effort to deploy the virus.
that's not without evil intent.
such is where we are in our world ... and despite the error in handling and the virus' being released earlier than planned ... worldwide power has been consolidated more by this plandemic than any other event since WWII.

it isn't the last. I wholeheartedly recommend having provisions for a 3 month period of transition. Transition? Yes ... from mankind's dominion of the planet ... to a supernatural dominion. I know it sounds crazy, but look at all these things which have already happened to foster this very thing. I think the last parts of this will happen faster than you can make a tweet. EG ... won't be time to discuss 'em on the BBS.

when the lights fall on the drag strip tree is not the time to prep the car and driver.
most importantly ... get personally acquainted with Jesus Christ. repent, believe, confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He is the Ultimate Provider/Protector for this 42 month period which will begin in, now, less than 4 years. ... or on youtube. strongly recc a viewing. replace the movie you were going to watch this evening with part one. I'm about to watch part 2.
I know ... thread creep ... but it's relevant.