to get jabbed or not get jabbed. That is the question


Well Known Member
this isn't new information for those who have insight into biology .... but it's another brick in the CV Jab wall for those who have any integrity remaining.

one of 3 things will happen from this experimental jab; two of 'em aren't good .... against a disease at its worst mortality was < 1% ... despite treatments which caused death and policies which expedited the spread (nursing homes of NY and NJ) among the most susceptible.



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Supporting Member 6
The women in China should Stop having sex, with the monkey's.:rolleyes

Everybody has to have thumbthing Skip. The Muzzie's have their goats and suicide vest's and the RinkyChinkies have their monkey's and bats and lets not forget their the MotherFokkers of depopulation! :bat



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Poor slobs! Just let the dummies make you play their ass-enine games and pump your bodies full of killer $hit!!!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
And just like anything else where the Rats are concerned, they'll wait out the clock so it's too late to go to court about it!
The Rats wrote the book on crooked cockeyed $hit, they continually outplay the RepubeiCant's at every comer by design of both parties!!!
