We need the wall


Well Known Member
Very simple,just dont hire them.New law,against the law to hire illegals.When caught,you will be kicked out of the USA forever!


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I don't know when I first read what he said I thought it might be a little over the top but I started thinking which is a dangerous thing for me to do but when they sneak over they are a burden to the U.S. tax payers when they start milking the system and I think what Tucker meant by the dirt is the criminals that sneak over seeking asylum but anywho screw those insurance company's.



Well Known Member
In the lower US,the jobs are all screwed up.Working 40 hrs a week,and still cant afford paying bills,while the employer is making bank,collecting all the kick backs,not sharing with the people who made them that money.


Well Known Member
Now you know why we dont have pennie candies anymore.Everything is more than what it is worth.All the items made here is so expensive to pay for the help,food,ect.for these poor countries.In return our government repays these companies,messing up our government income.Our roads,schools suffer.Think of it like this.For everything you buy,someone in another poor country,sits back collecting food and supplies,not caring who or what it came from,to be poor.Yes!International welfare.Do you think they try for a better education?No!They just won the lottery!THis is why this has to end.Take care of America,not the poor world.They have been poor forever,its up to them to change,not us!Do they help you out with anything?


Well Known Member
Think back how we grew up.How much things were.1980,everything doubled.Every year after more immigrants come in,free everything.Homeless,crime,unemployeement go up.I believe if we no longer bring in anymore immigrants,most of our problems will go away.


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Supporting Member 5
They'll never take away things from themselves. From what I read, they are always trying to increase their benefits. Voting them out might be the only way, but then what do we get; a new set of clowns. Never ends, Carmine.

Yep they have us right where they want us pissed off and not able to do much about it. And know we have to contend with the Clown Court that will be coming into power in the near future.


Junkman 104

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Maybe someday there will be someone to vote for.If there was a way to have a petition signed to have elected people only get paid when good laws are past.