I found a Flow bench SF-600


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Anyone have or know someone that has a flow bench for sale? I want to start modeling a Series 2 intake design and have the ability to data log information. The one in Kansas City Facebook Market Place sold so no need to mention it unless you bought it and want to sell it to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I could continue to use my DIY flow bench but as one of my friends pointed out. People like to hear I have a well known brand machine taking measurements. Super Flow is pretty well known but I'm not dropping over $5k on a new one.


Well Known Member
I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you and ask some of my NHRA buddies if they know of any flow benches. I had one place I flowed some heads with a guy who had his own homemade flow testing setup. My numbers on my BBC heads were so-so then I took them to a guy that had a newer Super flow bench and the new flow numbers were a lot better. When I asked the kid why his were so low he told me he juts averages them out.:facepalm

Skip FIx

Well Known Member
Flow benchs can be all over the place. Laminar flows are different than the Super flow type. Most Superflow types have variable orifices even the smaller 150 10" model(different corks at the top). Bigger ones can even have an electronic switch to do it.A single orifice like the semi homemade one I have are not as accurate at either end of flow-like a "narrow band" O2 sensor. There is a "pass around set" of calibration orifices to compare benchs between each other. Also depends on if the calibrated the bench that day. Even the SF 150 has a calibration plate(generally around 150 cfm@10") to adjust the manometer to.


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I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you and ask some of my NHRA buddies if they know of any flow benches. I had one place I flowed some heads with a guy who had his own homemade flow testing setup. My numbers on my BBC heads were so-so then I took them to a guy that had a newer Super flow bench and the new flow numbers were a lot better. When I asked the kid why his were so low he told me he juts averages them out.:facepalm
Many shops will average after just a few ports and not even check the rest. When I had some heads flowed at the "best shop in town" they had no clue I know anything about engines, flow numbers of the heads or their SF-600 they were using. I had to make them redo it twice because the heads were ported nice and the numbers made no sense. I knew they didn't test them correctly. After the 3rd visit to their shop I stood next to their tech and watched him use the flow bench. I was right. The tech in charge running the bench didn't know how to calibrate or adjust it. SF-600 Super flow is like a sbc, everyone has one and their are hundreds of videos on line of people using them and explaining how to use them. I just really feel sorry for everyone before me that had this tech testing their heads because that tech and that flow bench has been there for years and their engine shop is always packed, especially with racers engines. I have a couple of other builders that are happy to let me use their machines but I can't wait for them during normal business hours anymore. I can make changes to a 3D printed model instantly now and this is slowing my ability to get my R&D done.


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I found and bought out a porting shop. Lets just say all I needed was a flow bench but now I can port and flow a dozen different kinds of heads, intakes, carbs. I really only intend to port the 348-409 family but we will see what this turns into. Being able to put real world flow numbers on my 3D printed parts is essential. Having the ability to get digital readouts is amazing. Thanks for all of the calls and leads. I ended up finding this on my own but still great hearing from everyone.


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Supporting Member 2
You had better get in touch with Brzezinski. I think he is trying to quit or slow down.
He is trying to sell it but really wants an experienced person who will work along side him for a while before handing over the keys. It's a tough sell seeing as a lot of the top porters won't even touch iron heads and that's all he does.


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He is trying to sell it but really wants an experienced person who will work along side him for a while before handing over the keys. It's a tough sell seeing as a lot of the top porters won't even touch iron heads and that's all he does.
You are right, cast iron is a whole different beast. I still can't imagine how many hours you have in your port work to get your heads to perform so well. I now have the tools needed to build performance dreams for our 348-409 family but I am well aware of the lack of experience and the mountain of knowledge I need to make all of this work. I'll be putting out more calls to many of our experts on here, I couldn't make it this far without all of your help.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
You had better get in touch with Brzezinski. I think he is trying to quit or slow down.
I'm only 47 and I want to quit and slow down every day. :D I will be giving them a call to get a 409 plate. There are a few universal plates in the mix I can make it work but I do plan on doing this enough it would really help streamline the process. Especially since I have a bunch of R & D to do before I settle on my budget port and my performance port design for each casting. My cut up head casting library is really going to help my come up with the best designs. I just found two more castings to add to my library, I need to flow all of the factory castings first.


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Supporting Member 3
That cool! I had to make mine
The thing is, most people can make something that even runs off a shop-vac which can provide useful information. The only issue becomes when people what to know exactly how much better your flow is precisely. Once you give them general specs then they will ask for more and more. Its going to provide some very useful and detailed information I have never had the ability to get before.