The truth about guns.....................

chevy man

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
Drugs are illegal and I don't see that bothering the criminals. So what makes you think that gun laws will change what the criminals do.The laws will just make it easier for criminals as the law abiding citizens will not be armed as well as they are.It will also create a huge black market for any gun to cross the mexican border, hell we can't keep illegals out of our country.

All these so called gun regulations are nothing but the beginning of gun confiscation !!!!!!! just wait and see !!!!!


Supporting Member 1
All these so called gun regulations are nothing but the beginning of gun confiscation !!!!!!! just wait and see !!!!!
YOU ARE CORRECT SIR!!!!!! We the people have to realize that any new regulations are just the beginning of the slippery slope that we talk about. The gun haters will never be satisfied with one ore two new rules. They won't stop. They will be back for more until all the guns have been taken away. We have all seen this behavior in many other areas of our lives. That is why we can't give even one inch on this issue. JMHO Leo


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Supporting Member 2
I guess the point I was trying to make wasn't clear. I believe the AZ Sherriff's statement regarding autos is a bad analogy and incorrect. To quote the AZ Sherriff, "America has seen an even higher number of our citizens killed by impaired drivers involved in automobile collisions. Why are you not seeking to remove vehicles from our roadways? ... it’s because you realize it’s the drivers who are at fault and not the vehicle they were driving." The old autos weren't taken away, but you can't buy anything like the older autos. On the other hand, a significant number of regulations have been added to make vehicles safer (heavier, slower, more expensive, more difficult to work on, more expensive to repair, ...), rules for auto-repair people working on the vehicles, more difficult to import vehicles that don't adhere to those standards, easier for people to lose their license if they don't follow the rules, more difficult to get a license if you have a history of not following the rules, more police patrols to watch for people not following the rules, no more "go cups!", holding bartenders liable for serving people that went out and then drove a vehicle, and that just scratches the surface. As much as we like to bluster how "They aren't taking going to take our guns!" in reality they aren't proposing to take our guns, but they are going down a similar path that was taken with the automobile industry regarding safety and drunk driving. Since I believe additional regulations are inevitable, I'd rather have a say in the solution. For example, when the stock broke on my .410 I could only buy a new stock that fit the 3 shells. The gunsmith couldn't work on it unless he converted to 3 shot and there were probably other rules that I didn't know of since it was over 40 years ago. So new regulations might get passed that doesn't make it illegal to own certain models of guns, but you can't buy parts to repair, gunsmiths aren't allowed to repair, manufacturers aren't allowed to sell the parts in the US, the parts are illegal to import and so on. So, they didn't take away your guns, but are you happy?


P.S. I still have my .410 bolt action shotgun, along with my father's pump 12 guage, my grandfather's 16 guage and my great grandfather's double barrell 12 guage which is at least 120 years old.

This statement has absolutely nothing to do with the constitution. More government more control less freedom. Do you really think the criminals will conform to gun control?...:crazy
This thinking is a direct result of trying to govern with laws instead of a moral base. That in itself is the issue.

chevy man

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
Bill O'reilly was on the letterman show (whom I cant stand) last night advocating gun registration ! O'reilly goes with the wind on many subjects and this is just another example of how he rides the fence.
Now its coming out that the new CIA director is a converted muslim. I heard that on the radio today from an ex FBI agent, who claims he can absolutely prove this !!!
So now we'll have a muslim and an Iranian (vallerie Jarrett) in the white house administration !!! WOW isn't that just getting better and better?

Dick MacKenzie

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
Olympic Arms said:
Olympic Arms Draws Another Line in Sand, Tells Fraternal Order of Police to F*** Off, Refuses Advertising

February 13 2013
from → Blog

Yesterday, we reported that Olympic Arms drew a line in the sand, refusing to do business with any state or law enforcement employees in New York until they reverse their recent gun control measures.
Now, Olympic Arms has drawn another line in the sand, calling out the Fraternal Order of Police when they were solicited to advertise in a FOP publication.
The following was posted to Olympic Arms Facebook page.
Olympic Arms was recently asked to advertise in the FOP Journal; the official magazine of the Fraternal Order of Police. It is well known that the FOP is a staunch supporter of Gun Control, had backed the AWB under Bill Clinton, and supports the current AWB under consideration that was introduced by Diane Feinstein. The FOP was actually accredited as being one of the sources that helped prepare the language of Gun Control suggestions that were forwarded by Vice President Biden. Below is a copy of our response to the FOP Journal:
Please forward this email to every major principal in your organization. Note, the post was reformatted to better fit this website.
1. The Fraternal Order of Police is on Congressional Record as having been a major supporter of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.
2. As a matter of fact and record, the FOP is accredited with assisting VP Biden in formulating the language of the newly proposed ban
3. Additionally, as a matter of fact and public record, the FOP is in support of the newly recommended Assault Weapons Ban introduced by Senator Feinstein.
a. FOP representatives were actually standing on the Stage during the presentation as a sign of “support”.
Olympic Arms, Inc, manufacturers of AR15 type firearms, firearms that these legislators would call “Assault Weapons”, will not be supporting in any way, shape, form or fashion, The Fraternal Order of Police, any organization that represents, supports, takes advertising dollars from, spends advertising dollars with, is in anyway related to, any individual who is a card carrying member of, or any person or entity in any way associated with the Fraternal Order of Police. Period.
- Be assured that Olympic Arms will not rest in its efforts to educate our customers, fans and followers the extent of the hypocrisy committed by the FOP and FOP Journal (fighting to outlaw the firearms produced by the very companies they now solicit for advertising dollars…). You can also be certain that we continue to make every effort to properly educate the firearms consumer in general, of the same.
- Additionally, we will make continued efforts at assure that ALL firearms manufacturers are aware of the FOP’s support to strip Constitutional Rights from Americans, and their support of further unconstitutional gun control legislation.
- We pledge to inform all of our customers the lengths that the FOP and associated FOP affiliates by proxy (which includes all your advertisers)are willing to go to in order to strip the American Citizen of their Constitutional Rights, while at the same time writing in exemptions to the same legislation to ensure that their members maintain those same rights they would have stripped from others.
- Your actions are the actions of a rogue organization supporting tyranny, not an organization sworn to uphold the laws of the land, to protect, serve and defend their constituencies.
Let it be know, that your actions are reprehensible and shameful.
Thomas A. Spithaler
Sales & Marketing Dir.
Olympic Arms, Inc.

chevy man

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 9
Very interesting video !!!
That young lady has got it all together. Its good to see younger people with a mature side.
Thanks for that Phil..............

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15

Thank for posting that Dick. Wished i'd have bought more of their products. I'd heard about their it...


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11
Funny thing is when these anti gun fanatics get in trouble, who is the first they call for help? someone with a gun!!! :dunno


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Comon Cecil!! You know I never read your posts! :laugh:roll:laugh Specially when you make it difficult and I have to follow a link someplace! :hide

Hey, I'm not as smart as you. I don't know how to embed all the neat pics and vids .:scratch
Any way, Bill Whittle is great. I've been reading him for years. Nice to see you're finally catching up.
Now I have to check in on IowaHawk to see what he's up to.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 4
Well what do you know.........finally got my PAL .........:beer
(Possession and Acquisition License)
In Canada this is a license for unrestricted firearms (rifles etc).
Been wanting to do this for years and after listening to my American friends
south of the 49th I did it........:deal
And one little add on.......who do you think was the star pupil......
100% on the written and 100% on the 20 min practical......:beer
Here's a quick quote from one of my Army buddies.....

GREAT NEWS!!! I'll mention it to my buddies at NDHQ in Ottawa ... They're running low on snipers in the middle east.
Pack your flip-flops, beach towel & sunscreen for an extended vacation in the sand!
Just kidding. Sounds like you had alot of fun! Good for you! I won't mention your name unless I get a re-enlistment notice ... I want YOU by my side!
