The truth about guns.....................

Alec Derrey

Well Known Member
I've spent my whole life around guns.Started off plinking with a pellet-gun in the orchards, then moved on up to the .22's and .410's. I loved growing up in the country and having property that I could hunt and shoot on. I wouldn't say that my family and I are gun collectors, but we seldom pass up a good deal. We regularly attend gun shows, and have all taken safety courses. Guns were never a bad thing, but precise and powerful tools for hunting or recreation, things that were treated with respect and caution. I live in the city now and I see so much fear and evil associated with guns. Sometimes I can see how gun control is an issue when there are mass shootings, or even isolated incidents... Last summer a motorist driving through a Seattle suburb was shot in the head and died instantly, in front of his whole family... Rival gang members were shooting at each other from opposite sides of the street when he just happened to be driving through... Senseless pain and suffering caused by a couple of punks who really have nothing to prove. That makes me want to pack a pistol with me everywhere I go, because I refuse to fall victim to some gang-banger who treats guns like toys. If the government gets scared enough, they'll try to take our guns away forever. Look at Great Britain, Canada, Australia and dozens of other countries. They can have mine when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers.